了解Under oath的含义和用法

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Under oath指“宣誓”。韦氏词典中解释为:having made a formal promise to tell the truth in a court of law。在美国的法庭上,证人、和原被告在出庭作证之前,需在法官主持下,举起右手、并掌心超前地庄严宣誓,宣誓的内容就是保证不做伪证、不说假话。在宣誓之后,如果再出现了假话、伪证,那么就涉及了伪证罪,而伪证罪又是联邦重罪,判刑最高可高达5年时间。

Beyond the statutory requirement for political parties to affirm under oath that their operations served the free functioning of democracy, the State was not permitted to intervene in their internal affairs.

各政党根据法律规定宣誓活动必须有 利于民主的自由运作,除此以外国家不 允许干预政党的内部事务。

Witnesses testify under oath, but the defendant takes no such oath and has the right to remain silent.

 证人须宣誓作证, 但被告无须此种宣誓,且有 权保持沉默。 

By virtue of the authority vested in the People’s Majlis under Article 98 of the Constitution, the People’s Majlis may call upon and question under oath, any member of the Cabinet or the Government, or request them to produce documents in relation to the due performance of the obligations and responsibilities of such person.

根据《宪法》第 98 条赋予人民议会的权力,人民议会可以在宣誓情况下传唤和询问任何内阁或政府成员,或要求这些人出示与履行他们的义务和职责有关 的文件。

发布于 2022-01-24 16:32:24