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Probation指“缓刑”。英文释义为: a period of time during which a person who has committed a crime has to obey the law and be supervised by a probation officer, rather than being sent to prison,缓刑指对被判处一定刑罚的罪犯,在一定期限内附条件地不执行所判刑罚的制度,是对刑罚的暂缓执行,其执行形式为对触犯刑律,经法定程序确认已构成犯罪、应受刑罚处罚的行为人,先行宣告定罪,暂不执行所判处的刑罚。需要注意的是:缓刑不是一种刑罚,而是一种刑罚的执行方式。


参考例句:Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without parental care, disabled people, elderly people, families with many children, persons released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.


Thailand reported that its law emphasized the elements of assistance and rehabilitation in cases of violence against women and that courts were able to impose rehabilitation, counselling, public service, probation or parole measures on the offender.


A young woman admitted three theft charges and was put on probation for two years.


发布于 2022-01-24 17:20:47