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1,Mitigation of damage:“减轻损失;损害赔偿的减轻”,“减轻损失原则”有时也称“可避免后果”原则,指因违约或侵权而遭受损失的一方应如同一般谨慎的人在相似情况下一样,采取谨慎合理的措施尽量减轻损失,或防止损失的扩大。原告如未采取上述适当措施,「减轻损失」原则即可成为被告的正面答辩理由。适用上述原则的三种典型情况是:1原告可合理防止因被告错误所致的部分或全部损失;2原告因被告的过错而得益;3原告的损失虽是被告行为所致,但其请求与被告的过错不相称。

2,Mitigation of punishment:“减轻刑罚”,即making a crime seem less serious or easier to forgive,因具备一定的条件如被告人过去行为良好、被告人对受害人的赔偿等而减轻被告人应受惩罚的程度(mitigating circumstances)。如:In mitigation, the defence lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault. 为了减轻罪行,辩护律师说他的当事人在袭击人的时候精神极度压抑。

参考例句:After taking into account the advice of PSC and the gravity of the established acts of misconduct, the customary level of punishment in precedent cases of a similar nature of misconduct, the civil servant’s very senior position, the civil servant’s service and disciplinary record, the mitigating circumstances described in the IC’s report and the civil servant’s representations in mitigation of punishment, SCS decided that the civil servant concerned should be awarded the punishment of “a severe reprimand plus a fine equivalent to reduction in salary by two increments for 12 months” and “a caution of removal from the service in the event of further misconduct”.

公务员事务局局长在考虑过各项因素,包括委员会的意见和查明属实的不当行为的严重程度以往同类不当行为个案的惯常惩罚该名公务员极为高级他的服务和纪律处分记录研讯委员会报告所述可从轻处分的情况,以及该名公务员请求从轻处分的申述后,决定向该名公务员施加下述惩罚:严厉谴责另加罚款,款额 相当于连续12个月从薪酬中扣减两个增薪点,以及作出告诫,如日后再有不当行为,可予免职。

Moreover, the principles on the allocation of loss in the case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities (resolution 61/36, annex) had a dual purpose: on the one hand, to ensure prompt and adequate compensation to victims of transboundary damage, and on the other, to preserve and protect the environment in the event of transboundary damage, especially with respect to mitigation of damage to the environment and its restoration or reinstatement.


发布于 2022-01-24 17:22:03