" 了解英美法中的TRO的含义和相关法律"

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TRO的全称为temporary restraining order,翻译为“临时限制令”或“临时禁止令”,临时禁止令是一种有限期限的法院命令。临时禁令命令有关当事人在法庭听取进一步证据及决定是否发出初步禁制令前,须维持某种地位。


(2) 申请人的律师以书面形式向法院描述了为通知对方当事人所做的努力,并提出理由支持不应要求通知的主张。


At the request of the victim or at the request of the Prosecutor's Office and with the consent of the victim, a preliminary investigation judge or court may amend the conditions of a temporary restraining order or annul a temporary restraining order.


Violation of a restraining order or other measure of protection of personality right, except violation of a temporary restraining order, if this poses a danger to the life, health or property of persons, or repeated violation of a restraining order or other measure of protection of personality right is punishable by a pecuniary punishment or up to one year of imprisonment.


It is possible to apply a temporary restraining order during criminal proceedings (§ 1411 Code of Criminal Procedure) if criminal proceedings were initiated on suspicion of committing a crime against persons (e.g. physical abuse, causing of serious damage to health) or against a minor.


发布于 2022-02-25 15:05:11