了解英美法中的“Comparative negligence”原则

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“Contributory negligence”是英美法侵权法中的一个概念,翻译为“比较过失”,常应用于保险中,其应为解释为:Comparative negligence is a principle of tort law that applies to casualty insurance in certain states. Comparative negligence states that when an accident occurs, the fault and/or negligence of each party involved is based upon their respective contributions to the accident。指的是在损害赔偿之诉中,将原告的过失与被告的过失进行比较,以减少被告应承担的赔偿份额。它最早用于海事案件中,现美国许多州已用比较过失原则取代共同过失(Contributory negligence)或混合过失原则。一般而言,被告的过错程度越高,原告为获得赔偿所需的注意程度越低,但无论原告的过错如何,都不能完全免除被告的责任。

相应的有“Comparative-negligence doctrine”,即依据原告对损害的过失程度,成比例地减少原告可获得的赔偿的原则,而不是绝对不能获得赔偿。


Comparative negligence is most commonly used to assign blame in auto accidents. If two drivers both break the same traffic laws in an accident, then both may be denied their claims. Many insurance carriers assign blame between drivers on a percentage basis, such as 70/30.


In most states contributory negligence has been superceded by comparative negligence.


发布于 2022-02-25 15:24:15