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动产质权,其英文表达为Pledge in Movable Property,根据民法典第425条对动产质权的解释,为担保债务的履行,债务人或者第三人将其动产( movable property)出质给债权人占有的,债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现质权的情形,债权人有权就该动产优先受偿。债务人或者第三人为出质人(pledgor),债权人为质权人(pledgee),交付的动产为质押财产(pledged property)。

权利质权,其英文表达为Pledge on a Right,指的是为了担保债权清偿,就债务人或第三人所享有的权利设定的质权。权利质权是一种准质权。权利质权的标的是权利。债务人或者第三人有权处分的下列权利可以出质:

(一)汇票、本票、支票;bills of exchange, promissory notes, and checks;

(二)债券、存款单;bonds and certificates of deposits;

(三)仓单、提单;warehouse receipts and bills of lading;

(四)可以转让的基金份额、股权;transferable fund shares and equity;

(五)可以转让的注册商标专用权、专利权、著作权等知识产权中的财产权;transferable proprietary rights consisted in intellectual property such as the right to the exclusive use of registered trademarks, patent rights, and copyrights;

(六)现有的以及将有的应收账款;existing and after-acquired accounts receivables; and

(七)法律、行政法规规定可以出质的其他财产权利。other proprietary rights that may be pledged in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations.

质押合同,其英文表达为contract of pledge,是出质人与质权人双方基于主债务合同就质物担保事项达成的书面担保合同。质押合同与抵押合同有相似之处,关键是担保期限内担保物谁占有。质押合同是质权人(通常是债权人)与出质人(既可以是债务人,也可以是第三人)签订的担保性质的合同。出质人将一定的财物(通常是动产、有价证券等)交质权人占有,向质权人设定质押担保,当债务人不能履行债务时,质权人可以依法以处分质物所得价款优先受偿。


(一)被担保债权的种类和数额;the type and amount of the secured claim;

(二)债务人履行债务的期限;the term for the debtor to perform the obligation;

(三)质押财产的名称、数量等情况;such particulars as the name and quantity of the pledged property;

(四)担保的范围;the scope of the security covered; and

(五)质押财产交付的时间、方式。the time for and the mode of the delivery of the pledged property.




A pledgee shall return the pledged property after the debtor has performed his obligation or the pledgor has paid the secured claim before it is due.Where a debtor fails to perform an obligation due or an event upon the occurrence of which the pledge is to be enforced as agreed upon by the parties occurs, the pledgee may, by agreement with the pledgor, appraise and accept the pledged property as satisfaction of his claim, or have priority to be paid from the proceeds obtained from auction or sale of the pledged property.The appraisal or sale of the pledged property shall be based on the market price.



After a pledged property is appraised and accepted by the pledgee as full or partial satisfaction of his claim, or is sold at auction or in a sale, where the value of the pledged property as appraised or the proceeds obtained from auction or sale is in excess of the amount of the obligation owed, the excessive portion shall belong to the pledgor, while any deficiency shall be satisfied by the debtor.


All instructions and Transactions relating to any joint Account or (as the case may be) any Service, in the event of the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any one or more of the joint Account holder shall be subject to any claim or objection of relevant authority and shall be without prejudice to any right which we may have arising out of any lien, charge, pledge, set-off, claim, counterclaim or otherwise whatsoever or any step or legal proceedings which we may in our absolute discretion deem desirable to take in view of any claim by any person other than the survivors, executors, administrators of the deceased.


发布于 2022-03-30 17:03:03