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强制执行,英文表达为Compulsory Execution或enforce,是指人民法院的执行组织依照法律规定的程序和方式,运用国家的强制力量,在负有义务的一方当事人拒不履行义务时,强制其履行义务,从而实现生效法律文书内容的一种诉讼活动。


1、直接强制执行(execute directly),是指义务人拒不履行其应当履行的义务时,行政强制执行机关对其人身或财产施以强制力直接强制义务人履行义务,或者通过强制手段达到与义务人履行义务相同状态的一种强制执行措施。


2、间接强制执行(execute indirectly),是指行政主体通过间接手段迫使义务人履行其应当履行的法定义务或者达到与履行义务相同状态的行政强制措施。


(1)代执行,acting performance,是指行政强制执行机关或第三人代替义务人履行法定义务,并向义务人征收必要费用的强制执行措施。

(2)执行罚,executive forfeit,是指行政强制执行机关对拒不履行不作为义务或不可替代的作为义务的义务主体,可以金钱给付义务,以促使其履行义务的强制执行措施。




After the completion of execution, if definite error is found in the executed judgment, written order or other legal documents resulting in the annulment of such judgment, order or legal documents by the people's court, the said court shall, with respect to the property which has been executed, make a written order that persons who have obtained the property shall return it. In the event of refusal to return such property, compulsory execution shall be carried out.



If a party fails to comply with a document evidencing the creditor's rights made enforceable according to the law by a notary office, the other party may apply to the people's court which has jurisdiction over the case for execution. The people's court applied to shall enforce such document.


These matters include the questions whether: (a) the grantor has to be the same person as the borrower; (b) the security agreement secures all the relevant obligations; (c) the security right is subject to any legal restrictions; (d) there must be a clear payment schedule in the credit; (e) there are any special rights or obligations (such as rights of way or rights of access to a site); (f) there are any special obligations for the preservation of encumbered assets; (g) there are any obligations not to transfer the encumbered asset or create another security right in it; (h) ways in which the grantor and other interested parties could be notified in the case of default and enforcement; (i) there should be a reference to extrajudicial enforcement; and (j) there should be a dispute resolution clause.


In response, it was stated that the concern about equal treatment of right holders was not valid, since: (a) the rule under discussion addressed the issue of the law applicable to security rights and not the substantive rights of right holders; (b) European Union Member States already followed that approach and there was no issue of them being in violation of the IPR Enforcement Directive; (c) such an approach would be justified on the basis of expectations of the parties to security agreements (not intellectual property right holders) associated with existing intellectual property registries; and (d) the Guide already followed that approach with respect to tangible assets (see recommendations 203 and 205).


发布于 2022-03-30 17:20:04