英美法中的Dilatory Pleas(延诉答辩)的两种类型

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延诉答辩(Dilatory pleas)是普通法上的一小类答辩,它不就案件的实体问题进行答辩,而是基于一些程序性的理由以求拖延诉讼或使原告的起诉落空。这种答辩主要有两类:


2妨诉答辩(plea in abatement)。妨诉答辩也称:起诉不当答辩,普通法上的一种答辩,不涉及原告的诉讼请求,而是对提起诉讼的地点、方式或时间提出异议。原告可在另一地点、另一时间或以另一种诉讼格式重新起诉。起诉不当答辩仅推迟或拖延诉讼的进程。


Dilatory pleas are such as delay the plaintiff's remedy, by questioning, not the cause of action, but the propriety of the suit, or the mode in which the remedy is sought.

Dilatory pleas are divided by Sir William Blackstone, into three kinds: 1. Pleas to the jurisdiction of the court; as, that the cause of action arose out of the limits of the jurisdiction of the court, when the action is local. 2. Pleas to the disability of the plaintiff, or, as they are usually termed, to' the person of the plaintiff; as, that he is an alien enemy. 3. Pleas in abatement of the writ, or count; these are founded upon some defect or mistake, either in the writ itself; as, that the defendant is misnamed in it, or the like; or in the mode in which the count pursues it; as, that there is some variance or repugnancy between the count and writ; in which case, the fault in the count furnishes a cause for abating the writ.

发布于 2022-04-27 15:50:15