法律英语中的mistake of Law和mistake of fact

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Mistake of Law,翻译为“法律错误”,英文释义为:Mistake about the legal effect of a factual situation.。是指行为人在实施故意犯罪过程中,对自己的行为在法律上是否构成犯罪或者在法律上应受到什么样的处罚所发生的错误认识。刑法错误的一种。法律错误有以下三种情况:



Mistake of fact,翻译为“事实错误”,英文释义为:Any mistaken belief other than a mistake of law. Examples include erroneous beliefs about the meaning of some term or about the identity of some person.“法律错误”的对称。是指行为人在实施故意犯罪过程中,对可能影响其刑事责任的客观事实所发生的错误认识。刑法错误的一种。在刑法理论上,根据事实错误与罪条的关系,事实错误可以划分为具体的事实错误与抽象的事实错误。根据事实错误的具体形态,刑法错误在理论上又可以划分为对象错误、手段错误、行为性质错误、因果关系错误等。


The Lands Tribunal may extend the period within which notice of a claim must be delivered to the Director of Lands if it considers that the delay in delivering notice of the claim was occasioned by mistake of fact or mistake of any matter of law (other than the relevant provision in section 12(2) or by any other reasonable cause or that the Crown is not materially prejudiced in the conduct of its case or otherwise by the delay.


As it has stated several times, it will review such a discretionary decision only if it was taken in breach of a rule of procedure, or if there was a mistake of fact or of law, or if some essential fact was overlooked, or if there was abuse of authority, or if some clearly mistaken conclusion was drawn from the evidence.37 Restructuring and abolition of posts: extent of the Organization’s power in respect of its staff members.


It was suggested, however, that the notion of “mistaken grounds”, which was not really legal terminology, be clarified by stating that the grounds in question were either attributable to an error of fact or of law, or were baseless.


发布于 2022-04-27 16:22:40