了解商业语境中的“Exit strategy”

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Exit strategy指的是“退出策略”。英文解释:In politics and business, an exit strategy is a way of ending your involvement in a situation such as a military operation or a business arrangement. 指政治和商业中的“撤离策略,退出策略”。



1. 产品退出战略(Product exit strategy)指企业在生产经营中,根据产品的寿命周期、需求的变动以及该产品的企业边际贡献等对产品结构的调整。

2. 产业退出战略(Industrial exit strategy)指企业根据自身的发展战略、国家产业政策和自身的资源情况做出的逐步从某些行业退出的决策 它表现为企业对现有产业结构的调整、非主业的剥离和集中资源发展主业的思路。

3. 整体退出战略(Overall exit strategy)指企业因各种原因整体出让投资收益差、控制力不强、不符合企业发展战略的经营单位或子公司控股权。它通过关闭、清算、破产、出售等形式实行退出。


Specifically, recommendations pertaining to field project exit strategy, wise coastal standards, guidelines, procedures and possible accreditation mechanisms, regional and global wise practices virtual forums, communications activities, extrabudgetary funding and the impact of LINKS and SIV on SCI activities were made.

特别提出了下述 方面有关的建议:总部外项目退出战略、明 智的沿 海标准、指导方针、程序和适当 的核准机制、地区和全球良策虚拟论坛、交流活动、预算外筹资和地方及土生知识系统以及 SIV 对沿海地 区和小岛屿的环境与发展活动的影响。

The creation and deployment of peacekeeping operations must be based on clear, credible and achievable mandates matched with the necessary resources; clear objectives with well-defined time limits, as well as benchmarks and transition and exit strategies; an integrated approach that included early peace building in peacekeeping mandates, as well as an emphasis on national ownership and national capacity development; the commitment of all parties to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict; and a public information strategy to ensure that the parties to the conflict and the population at large understood the objectives of the peacekeeping operation and perceived that they had ownership of the operation and the mandate.

必须在以下条件的基础上设计和部署维和 行动:明确、可信、可实现且配有必要资源的任务规 定;有明确时间限定的清晰目标、相关基准、过渡及 撤离战略;在维和任 务中包括早期建设和平任务的综 合性办法、对国家自主权和国家实力建设的强调;各 方为冲突达成和平解决方案的承诺;确保冲突各方及公众了解维和行动的目标、使其认识到他们对维和行 动和任务拥有自主权的新闻战略。

发布于 2022-05-03 17:44:09