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仇恨罪, 英文表达为hate crime,也叫做偏见动机型犯罪(bias-motivated crime),指的是由针对某一特定社会群体的歧视性或偏见性犯罪行为。该罪行的提出是一种基于保护特定少数群体的意识形态或政治理念,由于现实中多数人群或者声称代表多数群体的组织或个人可能会针对与其不同种族、民族、国籍、户籍、语言、宗教、性别、性取向、身心障碍、年龄、性别特质、政治立场、资产状况、学历等等因素,而触发羞辱、攻击、霸凌甚至是谋杀等罪行的犯罪动机。




第二百四十九条 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利;情节特别严重的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。

Those provoking ethnic hatred or discrimination, if the case is serious, are to be sentenced to three years or fewer in prison, put under criminal detention or surveillance, or deprived of their political rights. If the case is especially serious, they are to be sentenced to three to 10 years in prison.


The Committee recommends that the State party continue to endeavour to combat inter-ethnic prejudices, by, inter alia, applying existing criminal provisions on hate speech and hate crimes, continuing to strengthen, and to promote, through awareness-raising campaigns, and other concrete steps, national unity, tolerance and the peaceful coexistence of members of various nationalities and religious groups, and by strengthening the monitoring powers of the Communications Regulatory Agency with regard to acts of public incitement to ethnic and religious hatred.

委员会建议缔约国特别通过实施现有的有关仇恨言论 和 仇恨罪 行 的 刑法条 款,继续通过提高认识的运动及其他具体步骤加强和促进各民族和宗教团体成员 之间的民族团结、容忍和和平共处,加强通信管理机构在监督公开煽动种族和宗 教仇恨行为方面的权力,继续努力消除种族之间的偏见。

The Welsh Government was currently developing a hate crime framework and the Scottish Government was providing over £ 9 million to organizations and projects working on the ground to help deliver race equality.

威尔士政府目前正在起草有关仇恨罪 的 法 律框架,苏格 兰政府则向从事实地工作、帮助实现种族平等的组织和项目提供 

发布于 2022-06-27 17:42:26