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无罪判决,英文表达:not guilty verdict/ acquittal (sentence)。根据刑事诉讼法第6条的规定,无罪判决分为两种,即“依据法律认定被告人无罪”和“证据不足、指控的犯罪不能成立”的无罪判决。















After a defendant makes his or closing statement the presiding judge shall announce an adjournment, and the collegial panel shall conduct deliberation and, based on the established facts and evidence and according to relevant legal provisions render a sentence as follows:


(1) if the facts of a case are clear evidence is hard and sufficient, and the defendant is found guilty in accordance with the law, the collegial panel shall render a guilty sentence;


(2) if the defendant is found innocent in accordance with the law, the collegial panel shall render an acquittal sentence; or


(3) if the defendant cannot be found guilty for insufficient evidence, the collegial panel shall render an acquittal sentence stating that the charges are denied for insufficient evidence.


Even if the defendant is found not guilty, the sentence can determine the payment of compensation, if such claim is found sufficiently substantiated.

即使被告被 认定为无罪,判决也可 以要求支付赔偿金,如果这种赔偿要求理由充足的话。

The State party maintains that the guilty verdict was pronounced based on the assessment of the entirety of the evidence examined by the court, which was given “appropriate assessment”.

缔约国认为,有 罪判决是依 据法院对全部证据作出评估后宣布的,法院对所有证据作了“适当的 评估”。

发布于 2022-06-27 17:54:48