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Consortium日常用法指“联盟”,A consortium is a group of people or firms who have agreed to cooperate with each other. 如:The consortium includes some of the biggest building contractors in North America.该联盟包括北美一些最大的建筑承包商。


(1) 表示(合作进行某项工程的)财团,银团,联营企业,a group of people, countries, companies, etc. who are working together on a particular project如:the Anglo-French consortium that built the Channel Tunnel 修建英吉利海峡隧道的英法财团

(2) 在法律中,表示“配偶权”,也叫做Spouse rights,是指配偶之间要求对方陪伴、钟爱和帮助的权利。the legal right of one spouse to the company, affection, and assistance of and to sexual relations with the other。


consortium bank 联营银行

consortium company 财团公司

loss of consortium 配偶权的丧失

Anglo-French consortium 英法财团


In addition, the ISU sought to broaden collaboration on victim assistance to include a number of actors that do not regularly participate in the work of the Convention, including the World Health Organisation, the International Labour Organisation, the International Disability and Development Consortium and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

另外,执行支助股争取扩大关于援助受害者的协作,吸收一些不经 常参与《公约》工作的行为方,比如世界卫生组织、国际劳工组织、国际残疾人 和发展联盟以及联合国人权事务高级专员办事处。

Paragraph 8 of decision 16/COP.9 directs the Bureau of the CST to ensure that the selection of the institution/consortium is done in a transparent manner, and in strict accordance with the established criteria, if any, and to avoid any conflict of interest between the institution/consortium selected and any Bureau member.

第 16/COP.9号决定第8 段指示科技委主席团确保机构或企业集团 的选择以 透明方式严格依照任何既定标准进行,同时避免被选定的机构或企业集团同任何主席团成员之间出现任何利益冲突。

The shutdown of the oil fields, abduction of Chinese construction workers in Southern Kordofan and expulsion of the head of a Chinese-led oil consortium added to Beijing’s vexing political problem and generated anxiety among Chinese nationals in North and South.


发布于 2022-07-20 16:53:23