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故意犯罪(intentional crime/calculated crime),是指明知自己的行为会发生危害社会的结果,并且希望或者放任这种结果发生,因而构成犯罪的。故意由两个因素构成:一是认识因素,即明知自己的行为会发生危害社会的结果;二是意志因素,即希望或者放任危害结果的发生。

过失犯罪(negligent crime/criminal negligence),是指应当预见自己的行为可能发生危害社会的结果,因为疏忽大意而没有预见,或者已经预见而轻信能够避免,以致发生这种结果。成立过失犯以行为发生法益侵害结果为条件,除此之外,与故意犯罪一样,还要求有实行行为与结果回避可能性。我国刑法根据行为人是否已经遇见危害结果,将过失分为疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失。

过失犯罪(negligent crime/criminal negligence),是指应当预见自己的行为可能发生危害社会的结果,因为疏忽大意而没有预见,或者已经预见而轻信能够避免,以致发生这种结果。成立过失犯以行为发生法益侵害结果为条件,除此之外,与故意犯罪一样,还要求有实行行为与结果回避可能性。我国刑法根据行为人是否已经遇见危害结果,将过失分为疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失。



Furthermore, pre-trial detention can only be ordered if other provisional measures are deemed insufficient and if the following requisites are fulfilled: that the crime has been intentional and is punishable with more than five years of imprisonment, or with more than three years if it is a crime of terrorism, organized or highly violent criminality; or if the alleged offender has illegally entered or is illegally staying in national territory and a process for his or her extradition or expulsion is under way.

此外,审前拘留只能在其他临时措施被认为不够且满足一下先决条件时才 能下令实施:故意犯罪,应 处以五年以上监禁,或者罪行为恐怖主义、有组织犯 罪或者严重暴力犯罪,应处以三年以上监禁;或者被指控的罪犯非法进入或非法 拘留在本国领土,正在对他或她实施引渡或者驱逐。

Minor offences are offences committed intentionally for which the law prescribes up to three years’ deprivation of liberty and offences committed through negligence for which the law prescribes up to five years’ deprivation of liberty.

对未构成重大社会危害的故意犯罪行为,法律规定处以 3 年以下监禁,而对因疏忽大意造成的犯罪行为,法律规定处以 5 年以下监禁。

On 8 September 2005, the court martial reportedly found these three officers guilty of negligence for not having observed proper procedures and sentenced them to six months’ detention, imposed a total fine of 100,000 rupees and declared them ineligible for promotion for one or two years.

据报告称,2005年9月8 日,军事法庭认定这三名军官因未能遵守正常程序犯有过失罪,被判处六个月监禁,处以10万尼泊尔卢比罚款,并宣布在一年或两年内无晋升资格。

发布于 2022-07-21 18:07:15