合同常见条款之Contra proferentem(不利解释)条款

2 人赞同了该文章

Contra proferentem是拉丁语,翻译为英文是“against the offeror”,直译即指不利于提供者。在合同中,常指对协议起草人不利解释之原则。元照英美法词典中对其的解释如下:用于书面文件的解释,意为文件中的模棱两可之处应作最不利于文件起草者或文件提供者的解释。Contra proferentem is a rule of contract interpretation that states an ambiguous contract term should be construed against the drafter of the contract. The term contra proferentem is derived from a Latin phrase meaning “against the offeror.” 作为合同解释原则之一,很多合同都会纳入这一内容。这一内容有时以contra proferentem的形式出现,有时以no construction against drafter的形式出现。以下为部分双语条款,供参考:




Contra Proferentem. Each and every provision of this Agreement shall be construed as though parties participated equally in the drafting of same, and any rule of construction that a document be construed against the drafting party, including without limitation the doctrine commonly known as contra proferentem, shall not be applicable to this Agreement.





No Construction Against Drafter. The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement and all the terms and conditions contained herein have been fully reviewed and negotiated by the Parties. Having acknowledged the foregoing, the Parties agree that any principle of construction or rule of law that provides that, in the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity, an agreement shall be construed against the drafter of the agreement shall have no application to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.





No Construction Against Drafter. No provision of this Agreement or any related document will be construed against or interpreted to the disadvantage of any party hereto by any court or other governmental or judicial authority by reason of such party having or being deemed to have structured or drafted such provision.





Contra Proferentem. The Parties acknowledge that they and their respective legal counsel have reviewed and participated in negotiating and settling the terms of this Agreement and agree that the contra proferentem principle of construction, set out at article 1432 of the Civil Code of Québec, or any similar rule or principle, shall not be applied in interpreting this Agreement, including without limitation to resolve any ambiguity in this Agreement.




发布于 2022-09-23 12:18:05