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违令作战消极罪,是指指挥人员违抗命令(disobeys an order),临阵脱逃(flinches from the battlefield),作战消极(fights inactively),造成严重后果的行为。



A person in command who disobeys an order, flinches from the battlefield and fights inactively, shall be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years if a serious result is caused and; if a serious loss t a battle or campaign is caused or any other especially serious circumstance exists, to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years.



A serviceman who, during wartime, commits a crime and is sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years with a reprieve pronounced may, in consideration of the absence of actual danger from him, be allowed to atone for his crime by performing meritorious deeds. Should he truly perform meritorious deeds, the original sentence may be rescinded, and he shall not be sentenced as a criminal.



This Chapter applies to the officers, nonmilitary cadres, soldiers on active duties and the students with military status of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. And the officers, nonmilitary cadres, soldiers on active duties and the students with military status of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, and the persons on reverse service and other persons who perform military tasks.



In this Chapter wartime means the period within the state announces a war, the army receives tasks of battle or suffers a sudden attack.



The period when the army enforced tasks of martial law or disposes emergent violent incidents shall be regarded as wartime.




发布于 2022-09-27 15:26:27