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非法使用窃听、窃照专用器材罪(Crime of illegally using special equipment for wiretapping and photographing),是指非法使用窃听、窃照专用器材,造成严重后果的行为。






Whoever unlawfully uses special equipment for wiretapping or photographing secretly, if serious consequences are caused, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years, criminal detention or public surveillance.


In October, the Procurator General sanctioned seven former DAS officials, an official from the Information and Financial Analysis Unit and one from the President’s office for serious breaches of discipline for wiretapping and illegal surveillance.

10 月,司法总长制裁了7 名前国家保安部官员,一名信息和财政分析股的 官员,一名总统办公室的人员,指控他们严重违反了关于电 话 窃 听 和非 法监 督方 面的纪律规定。

I remember back in April 2005, a Judge of the District Court, while trying a bribery case, questioned the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)'s authority in tape-recording the conversations of the suspects in the absence of any authorization under any prevailing communication interception legislation, and ruled the ICAC's way of evidence collection by taking photographs secretly and wiretapping, as unlawful and in contravention of Article 30 of the Basic Law.

记得在 2005 年 4 月,区域法院就一宗行贿案件进行审理时,主审法官 质疑,廉政公署( 廉署 )根本无权在缺乏任何授权进行窃听的法例下, 分别对涉案者的对话进行录音,裁定廉署以偷 拍 或 窃 听 方 式搜 集证 据,属于 不法行为,违反了 基本法 第三十条的规定。

Another offence is the recording of words spoken by a third party that are not intended to be heard in public, or the use thereof, as well as photographing, filming or recording in any way the private life of people, or the use thereof without proper justification and without the consent of the persons concerned (art. 191).

另一种犯罪是未经同意录制或使用他人所述而非以公众为对象之言词录 音,以及利用相机摄取、拍摄或摄录 他人私人生活,并在违反他人意思和在非属 法律容许之情况下使用上项所指之照片或影片。

发布于 2022-09-30 17:54:51