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刑讯逼供(the coercion of confessions by torture)罪,是指司法工作人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人使用肉刑或者变相肉刑,逼取口供的行为。

暴力取证(resorting to violence to obtain testimony)罪,是指司法工作人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人使用暴力逼取证人证言的行为。


其中,“使用暴力”,是指司法工作人员(judicial officers)对施以肉刑、伤害、殴打等危害证人人身的行为,暴力的范围包括对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人采取捆绑、吊打、非法使用刑具等直接暴力手段,也包括对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人采取长时间的晒、冻、饿以及“车轮战”审讯方法等非直接暴力手段,使之遭受肉体痛苦和精神折磨的行为。





Any judicial officer who extorts a confession from a criminal suspect or defendant by torture or uses violence to compel a witness to give testimony shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. Whoever causes disability or death shall be convicted and given a heavier punishment in accordance with the provisions of Articles 234 or 232 of this Law.



The Criminal Law designates as crimes the coercion of confessions by torture, resorting to violence to obtain testimony, and the mistreatment of persons in custody; persons engaging in such acts are liable for criminal penalties under the law.


Moreover, when the military criminal justice system is applied to civilians, the outcome is convictions obtained on the basis of proceedings vitiated by abuses of all kinds in which not only does the right to a defence become a chimera, but much of the evidence is obtained by means of torture or cruel and inhuman treatment.

此外,对平民适用军事刑事司法时,就是根据为各种侵 权行为所损害的诉讼请求进行定罪,其结果,不仅辩护的权利成为一种幻想,所获证据大多也都是刑讯逼供的产物。

There are numerous methods of prevention that have been developed in the past, which, if adequately implemented by States, could easily eradicate torture: abolition of secret and incommunicado detention; proper registration of every detainee from the moment of arrest or apprehension; prompt access to legal counsel within 24 hours; access to relatives; prompt access to an independent judge; presumption of innocence; prompt and independent medical examination of all detainees; video/audio recording of all interrogations; no detention under the control of the interrogators or investigators for more than 48 hours; prompt, impartial and effective investigation of all allegations or suspicions of torture; inadmissibility of evidence obtained under torture; and effective training of all officials involved in the custody, interrogation and medical care of detainees.

过去已经制定的预 防措施有许多,如果各国充分执行,就能轻而易举地根除酷刑。这些措施包括:废止秘密和隔离拘留;从逮捕或拘捕起就对每个被拘留者进行适当登记;24小时 内立即获得法律顾问;可与亲属联系;及时获得独立审理; 无 罪 推 定 ;对所有被 拘留者进行及时和独立的医疗检查;录像/录音记录全部审问过程;审讯人员或 调查人员控制下的拘留不得超过 48 小时;迅速、公正和切实调查所有指控或酷 刑嫌疑;刑讯逼供所得 证据不予采信;以及对所有负责拘留者的关押、审讯和医 疗保健的官员进行有效培训。


发布于 2022-10-01 00:24:47