节能减排中的Carbon Neutral、Zero Emission和Climate neutral

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Carbon neutrality,翻译为“碳中和”,节能减排术语。Carbon neutrality是指国家、企业、产品、活动或个人在一定时间内直接或间接产生的二氧化碳或温室气体排放总量,通过植树造林、节能减排等形式,以抵消自身产生的二氧化碳或温室气体排放量,实现正负抵消,达到相对“零排放”。

Climate neutral,翻译为“气候中和”,气候中和是指当一个组织的活动对气候系统没有产生净影响。在气候中和的定义中,除了尽可能实现各种温室气体的净零排放,还必须考虑区域或局部的地球物理效应

Zero Emission,翻译为“零排放”,是指无限地减少污染物和能源排放直至为零的活动:即利用清洁生产,3R(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle)及生态产业等技术,实现对自然资源的完全循环利用,从而不给大气,水体和土壤遗留任何废弃物。


In justifying this approach, the Government of Germany stressed that Papua New Guinea as a small island country has made commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to reduce emissions by half by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

为证明这种方式具有合理性, 德国政府强调说,巴布亚新几内亚作为一个小岛屿国家,已经在《联合国气候变化框架公 约》(《气候公约》)之下承诺在 2030 年之前实现减少一半排放的目标,并在 2050 年之 前实现碳中和。

The analysis of the achievement so far made in the climate-neutral United Nations initiative confirms the existence of system-wide commitment and enthusiasm among the administrations and the staff to go further and to address systematically such other acute issues as hazardous waste, contaminants, water and air pollution, as well as building construction and management and sustainable procurement

对联合国气候中立倡议迄今 所取 得成就的分析证明,全系统的管理机关和工作人员都表现了很大的诚意和热情, 决心进一步努力做好下列工作:系统解决危险废物、污染物、水和空气污染等其 他严重问题以及楼房建筑和管理及可持续采购。

The analysis of the achievement so far made in the climate-neutral United Nations initiative confirms the existence of system-wide commitment and enthusiasm among the administrations and the staff to go further and to address systematically such other acute issues as hazardous waste, contaminants, water and air pollution, as well as building construction and management and sustainable procurement.

对联合国气候中立倡议迄今 所取 得成就的分析证明,全系统的管理机关和工作人员都表现了很大的诚意和热情, 决心进一步努力做好下列工作:系统解决危险废物、污染物、水和空气污染等其 他严重问题以及楼房建筑和管理及可持续采购。

President, on the air pollution problem, this year's Policy Address has indeed proposed several important and targeted initiatives, including subsidizing franchised bus companies to procure greener buses, retrofitting buses with catalytic reduction devices, imposing additional requirements in new franchises and requesting bus companies to switch to zero emission buses or the most environmentally-friendly buses when replacing the existing ones, taking into account the capacity of the bus operators, with a view to ameliorating the cause of roadside air pollution.

主席,今年施政报告在空气污染问题上,确实提出了数项重要且 具针对性的措施,当中包括资助专营巴士公司购置更环保的巴士 为 巴士安装催化还原器,以及在新的专营权中加入条款,要求巴士公司 在更换巴士时 ,按能力使用 零排放 或最环保的巴士,目的是想减低 路边空气的污染源。

发布于 2022-10-11 11:00:30