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物业服务合同(contract for property management service)是物业服务人()在物业服务区域内,为业主(property owners)提供建筑物及其附属设施的维修养护、环境卫生和相关秩序的管理维护等物业服务,业主支付物业费的合同。物业服务合同应当采取书面形式。

物业服务人(property management service providers)包括物业服务企业(property management service enterprises)和其他管理人(other managers)。


●服务事项(the contents of the services)

●服务质量(the service quality)

●服务费用的标准和收取办法(the rates and the collection methods of the service fee)

●维修资金的使用(the use of the maintenance funds)

●服务用房的管理和使用(the management and use of the service premises)

●服务期限(the term of service)

●服务交接(the service handover)等条款。




A property management service provider shall, in accordance with the contract and the nature of the use of the property, properly repair, maintain, clean, grow plant, and manage the common space of the property management service area co-owned by the owners, maintain the basic order in the property management service area, and take reasonable measures to protect the owners’ personal and property safety.


For any violation of the relevant laws and regulations on public security, environmental protection, fire protection, and the like, in the property management service area, the property management service provider shall, in a timely manner, take reasonable measures to stop the violation, make a report to the competent departments, and render assistance in its handling.



A property management service provider shall, in a reasonable manner, regularly disclose to the owners and report to the owners’ assembly and the owners' committee on its services, the responsible personnel, the quality requirements, the items that a fee is charged, the rate of the fee, the performance of obligations, use of the maintenance funds, and the management and income generated from using the common space co-owned by the owners, and the like.



An owner shall pay property management fees to the property management service provider in accordance with the agreement. Where a property management service provider has provided services in accordance with the agreement and the relevant regulations, an owner shall not refuse to pay the property management fees on the ground that he has not accepted or need not accept the relevant property management service.


Where an owner fails to pay the property management fees within the agreed period in breach of the agreement, the property management service provider may demand his payment within a reasonable period of time; if the owner still fails to make payment within the said period, the property management service provider may initiate a legal action or apply for arbitration.


The property management service provider may not collect the property management fees by such means as shutting off power, water, heat, or gas.


The community indicated general consensus that a mandatory licensing system should be introduced for the property management industry so as to set a basic benchmark of qualifications for operators and practitioners in the industry, and hence ensure their quality, raise public awareness of their professionalism and promote the concept of proper building management.


In this regard, the Joint Technical Working Group has initiated discussions on means by which the Government will provide the full range of support necessary to sustain DIS, including financial, personnel, engineering, transport, property management, communications and information technology support, as well as supply (fuel, water, etc.) management.


发布于 2022-10-30 12:36:43