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证据审查(review of evidence)是,指司法机关依法对证据查证的过程。证据审查的目的在于确定各个证据本身的真实性和可靠性。中国刑事诉讼法规定了6种基本证据,每种证据都必须查证属实,才能作为定案的依据。任何未经审查、真假难分、来源不清的材料,都不能作为证据使用。

证据保全(preservation of evidence),是指在证据有可能毁损、灭失,或以后难以取得的情况下,人民法院采取措施对证据进行保护,以保证其证明力的一项措施。证据保全的意义,在于保护证据的证明力,使与案件有关的事实材料不因有关情形的发生而无法取得或丧失证明作用,以此来满足当事人证明案件事实和法院查明案件事实的需要。








Evidence shall be presented in the court and cross-examined by parties, however, evidence that involves state secrets, trade secrets, or individual privacy shall not be presented in an open court session.



Under circumstances where there is a likely-hood that evidence may be destroyed, lost or too difficult to obtain later on, any litigation participants may apply to the people’s court for the preservation of the evidence. The people’s court may also take initiative to preserve such evidence.


This includes working with the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to provide input to the Office of Legal Affairs on the drafting of the rules of procedure and evidence for the Residual Mechanism, developing budget and staffing requirements, along with the judicial work that remains with respect to the possible transfer of cases to national jurisdictions, preservation of evidence hearings, review of witness protection orders, 、and possible cases of contempt.


The Office of the Prosecutor has also been continuing proceedings for the preservation of evidence under rule 71 bis in respect of the three top priority fugitives (Félicien Kabuga, Protais Mpiranya and Augustin Bizimana) who are earmarked for trial by the Residual Mechanism.

检察官办公室根据规则第71条之二,继续着手就三名重罪逃犯(Félicien Kabuga,Protais Mpiranya和Augustin Bizimana)执行保全证据程序,他们三人被专门指定由余留事项处理机制审判。

In order to help ensure that evidence is still available when they are arrested, preservation of evidence proceedings under rule 71 bis have begun for Kabuga and Mpiranya, and proceedings in relation to Bizimana are slated to begin this month. daccess-ods.un.org


On the basis of a review of the evidence in the Group’s archives (which is not substantively contradicted by documentation subsequently provided by Mr. Ngezayo), the Group concludes that there was sufficient evidence, including from FPJC sources, to indicate that Mr. Ngezayo was indeed in contact with FPJC, but not to present him as a political leader of that group, an overstatement the Group hereby acknowledges and regrets. daccess-ods.un.org

专家组根据审查该组档案所提供的证据(与 Ngezayo 先生后来提供的文件没有实质性出入)得出结论认为,有充分证据(包括来自正义阵线渠道的证据)表明Ngezayo先生的确与正义阵线有过接触,但不表明他是该团体的政治领导人,专家组在此承认有些夸大其辞并致歉。

发布于 2022-11-30 17:37:18