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临时仲裁,英文表达为As hoc arbitration或Interim arbitration,临时仲裁是19世纪中叶机构仲裁出现以前惟一的国际商事仲裁组织形式,临时仲裁比机构仲裁(管理式仲裁)历史悠久。


机构仲裁,英文表达为Institutional arbitration,机构仲裁是指当事人根据仲裁协议,将纠纷提交给约定的某一常设仲裁机构所进行的仲裁。






China’s reference to Section 2 refers to the UNCLOS provisions stating that disputes will be solved through one of four venues: the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the ICJ, ad hoc arbitration, or a “special arbitral tribunal” constituted for certain categories of disputes.


These amendments are particularly important because, while the 2005 elections were conducted under the Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement that suspended parts of the Constitution and established ad hoc arbitration mechanisms, the 2011 elections will be conducted in full accordance with the Constitution.

这些修订案特别重要,因为 2005 年的 选举是根据《阿克拉全面和平协议》举行的,该协议中止了部分《宪法》并设立了临时仲裁机制,但是,2011年的选举将完全依照《宪法》举行。

The benefits of having an international dispute settlement institution as the neutral entity are the following: (a) such an institution would provide access to existing expertise in administering all aspects of arbitration proceedings; (b) such an institution, selected through a competitive procurement exercise, would reflect the commercial nature of the underlying contract; and (c) having an outside institution administer the arbitration would de-link the neutral entity from the Organization and eliminate any perception of partiality.


The ICCA publishes a Yearbook which provides an annual update on key developments in the Arbitration world, including: institutional and ad hoc arbitral awards, court decisions on arbitration from around the world, court decisions on major multilateral arbitration conventions, commentary on the court decisions on the New York Convention, updates on developments in arbitration law and practice, an investment treaty awards and decisions digest and a bibliography of the latest texts.


发布于 2022-11-30 17:42:47