Pretrial Motion和Post Trial Motion

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Motion,a formal proposal that is discussed and voted on at a meeting,译为动议,指采取议会程序的议事机构成员提出的建议采取某一行动的正式提议。

Pretrial Motion,英美法术语,译为审前动议或审前申请,在审前动议程序中,诉讼当事人对与审判相关的问题可向法院提出申请,如申请法官回避、申请排除证据、申请查阅或录取证据、申请驳回或撤回起诉、申请人身保护令以及申请案件转移管辖等等。Post Trial Motion则译为审后动议。


The Judicial and Legal Services Division continues to provide: (a) direct judicial assistance to the Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, such as, legal research, drafting and other judicial support; the preparation of the judicial calendar; the maintenance and scheduling of courtrooms; and the recording, maintenance and registration of records of judicial proceedings, transcripts, motions, orders, decisions, judgements and sentences; and (b) other court-related functions, including the provision and maintenance of the detention facilities; the development and maintenance of a list of defence counsel; the establishment and maintenance of a system to remunerate defence counsel; interpretation and translation services; assistance to prosecution and defence witnesses testifying before the Tribunal; and legal library services.


China elaborated on the adoption of legislative decisions and the strengthening of anti-terrorism efforts, including through the establishment of legal definitions of terrorist activities, organizations and their members by reference to the international conventions to which China had acceded; the adoption of a multi-pronged approach to the prevention and punishment of economic fraud; the progress made in the field of prevention of crimes against children and the strengthening of the protection of their rights; the promotion of international cooperation to combat corruption; the strengthening of criminal justice assistance to combat transnational organized crime effectively; the improvement of online security to enhance capacity to prevent and combat cybercrime; and the amendment of legislation to extend the scope of legal aid from trials only to pretrial proceedings and to cases where the suspect might face a sentence of life imprisonment.

中国详细介绍了通过立法决定和加强反恐工作的情况,包括为此参照中国已经加入的国际公约而确定了有关恐怖主义活动、恐怖主义组织及其成员的法律定义;在预防和惩治经济欺诈问题上采取多头出击的做法;在预防侵害儿童行为的犯罪和加强保护其权利方面取得进展;推动开展打击腐败行为的国际合作;加强为有效打击跨国有组织犯罪 提供刑事司法援助;改进网上安全以加强预防和打击网络犯罪的能力;并修订相关 法规,将法律援助的范围从仅仅涉及审判阶段扩大至也包括审判前阶段以及嫌疑犯可能面临无期徒刑的案件。

发布于 2022-12-01 00:44:58