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结婚的男女双方必须亲自到婚姻登记机关进行结婚登记。符合本法规定的,予以登记,发给结婚证。取得结婚证,即确立夫妻关系(The husband and wife relationship)。未办理结婚登记的,应当补办登记。登记结婚后,根据男女双方约定,女方可以成为男方家庭的成员,男方可以成为女方家庭的成员。



(1)if one party commits bigamy;


(2)if the man and the woman are relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship;


(3)if, before marriage, one party is suffering from a disease which is regarded by medical science as rendering a person unfit for marriage and, after marriage, a cure is not effected; and


(4)if the legally marriageable age is not attained.



法定婚龄(the legally marriageable age):





If one of the parties suffers from a serious disease, he shall truthfully inform the other party of such disease prior to marriage registration; where such information is not truthfully provided, the other party may apply to the people’s court to annul the marriage.


The application to annul a marriage shall be made within one year from the date when the party knows or should have known of the cause for the annulment.


The amended Marriage Law promulgated in China in 2001 reiterated the basic principle of gender equality, emphasized the equal status of husband and wife as well as the equality of their rights and obligations in marriage and the family, and provided a focused enhancement of the articles focused on the protection of women’s rights, such as those prohibiting domestic violence, bigamy and the like.

2001 年中国颁 布的《婚姻法》修正案重申男女平等基本原则,强调夫妻地位平等和婚姻家庭权 利义务平等,有针对性地补充了禁止实施家庭暴力、禁止 重婚等 有利 于维护妇女 权利的条款。

Death also automatically terminates marriage (including registered partnerships or similar unions in some Member States) and the corresponding system of marital/partnership property, enabling the survivor to enter into a new relationship without any risk of bigamy.


The 2007 UNDP/UNIFEM report underscored that although registration of marriages is required, as is the equal consent of both parents in the marriage of minors, bigamy is not prohibited, and customary marriages are exempt from the legislative requirements.33 16.


发布于 2023-01-04 20:08:06