法律中的Intestacy和Partial intestacy

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Partial intestacy,部份无遗嘱继承,指死者在遗嘱内,并未完全包括死者所有的遗产。例如死者在遗嘱内只提及物业、现金的处理,实质死者还有股票及其它未在遗嘱提及,因此,这些未提及的遗产便需要根据无遗嘱继承法处理。


estatein intestacy 按法律继承

total intestacy 完全无遗嘱

estate by intestacy 依法继承的房地产;遗产

succession on intestacy无遗嘱的继承

intestacy without will 无遗嘱转让


Section 4(9) of IEO provides that in default of any person taking an absolute interest under the foregoing provisions, the residuary estate of the intestate shall, subject to the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Ordinance (Cap. 481), belong to the Government as bona vacantia and the Government may (without prejudice to any other powers), out of the whole or any part of the property devolving on it, provide for dependants, whether kindred or not, of the intestate, and other persons for whom the intestate might reasonably have been expected to make provision.

《无遗嘱者遗产条例》第4(9)条规定,如根据上述条文,无人享有绝对权益,则除《财产继承(供养遗属及受养人)条例》(第 481 章)另有规定外,该无遗嘱者的剩馀遗产即成为无主财物,属于政府所有,而政府可(在其任何其他权力不受影响的原则下)从获转予的全部或部分财产中,拨款予该无遗嘱者的受养人(不论是否为该无遗嘱者的亲属)以及合理地预期该无遗嘱者会供养的其他人士。

Hon Albert HO has asked the Administration to consider whether the proposed new section 60I should be amended to provide SHA with discretionary power, similar to that provided under section 4(9) of the Intestates’ Estates Ordinance (Cap. 73) (IEO) to deal with the residuary estate of an intestate who leaves no issue, spouse, parent and sibling.


Furthermore, the Administration should amend or delete section 17 of the New Territories Ordinance, section 75 of the Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap. 10) and section 11 of the Intestate’s Estate Ordinance (Cap. 73) if such need arises, so as to delete all provisions which deprive female indigenous inhabitants of their rights.

此外,要趁此机会,按适当的需要,将新界条例第 17 条,遗嘱认证及遗产管理条例(香港法例第 10 章)第 75 条,以及无遗属者遗产条例(香港法例第 73 章)第 11 条或加以修订或予以删除,以消除各项使女原居民丧失权利的条文。

发布于 2023-01-04 20:12:36