了解法律英语中的Hit and run及其相关法规

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Hit and run翻译为肇事逃逸、肇事后逃离现场,开车撞人并且驾车逃跑。在我国,肇事逃逸即交通肇事逃逸,是指行为人在发生交通事故后,为逃避法律追究而逃跑的行为,符合法定构成要件的交通肇事逃逸行为触犯的是交通肇事罪。

交通肇事罪(crime of causing traffic casualties)是指违反道路交通管理法规,发生重大交通事故,致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失,依法被追究刑事责任的犯罪行为。

Hit and run:the crime of a driver of a vehicle who is involved in a collision with another vehicle, property or human being, who knowingly fails to stop to give his/her name, license number and other information as required by statute to the injured party, a witness or law enforcement officers.






Mr Afro was jailed for a hit-and-run incident in 2006, despite always insisting that he was not in the car which the prosecution said knocked down and killed a homeless man in Addis Ababa.


Earlier this year, 21 year-old student Yao Jiaxin was sentenced to death by a court in Xi'an, central China, for killing a waitress to cover up a hit and run incident.


A missing person case involving a female university student and the victim in a hit and run case appears to be related.


This centres on a night-time "hit-and-run" accident involving a cab in a town where there are just two cab operators-one with green cars, the other with blue.


Atom’s fighters enjoyed an early advantage, fighting on home ground from prepared positions, employing hit and run tactics and receiving deliveries of arms, ammunition and medical supplies by dhow in late July and mid-September.9 The September consignment was delivered at Durdurdi, a beach port close to Saliid and consisted of approximately 25 metric tons of arms and ammunition, based on reports from local people enlisted to offload the vessel.10 35.


But the LRA is an elusive enemy, and we cannot discount the possibility of renewed attacks against population centres and isolated communities, using hit-and-run tactics, as has been the case in the more remote areas, and notably, just before Christmas, in the area of Tapila, with disastrous consequences for that community.


发布于 2023-01-04 22:47:20