法律术语在之Legal Separation

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Legal Separation,法律术语,也叫Judicial Seperation:


an arrangement by which a husband or wife remain married but live apart,following a court order.Also called“judicial separation”.


an arrangement by which a child lives apart from a natural parent and with the other natural parent or a foster parent,following a court order.



An overseas divorce or legal separation will be recognised in Hong Kong if, at the time of the institution of the proceedings - 12 in the country concerned, either spouse was domiciled in, habitually resident in, or a national of, that country.


In this light, States are urged, through their national legal frameworks, to ensure that the Constitution, or its equivalent, contains key child rights principles and safeguards including the consideration of children’s deprivation of liberty only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, the separation of children from adults, and of girls from boys; the effective protection of children from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or any other form of violence, including as a form of punishment, treatment or sentencing.


There are special procedures such as those on the interdiction and inhabilitation of persons, alimony, divorce and separation, dispositions in relation to children and spouses, protection of personality, name and private correspondence.


The Law No. 5636 provides a wide margin of interpretation of the concept of violence and ensures protection to family members who are married but live separately, separated by the decision of court or who are entitled to the right to live separately.


The law entitles a woman who separates or divorces to one half of the couple’s property if she had regular employment during the marriage and one third of the property if she had not been employed.


发布于 2023-02-04 11:10:54