英美法术语之Mala Praxis和Mala Prohibita

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Mala Praxis,系拉丁语,医疗失误,医疗过失。现代英文为Malpractice。

Latin expression,to signify bad or unskillful practice in a physician or other professional person,such as a midwife,lawyer,etc.,whereby the health or welfare of the patient or client is injured. The failure of a professional to follow the accepted standards of practice of his or her profession.

Sir William Blackstone在1768年编写其法律巨著Commentaries on the Laws of England时,将mala praxis,即现代英文malpractice定义为"由于内科医师、外科医师或药师等人的疏忽与不当管理……所造成的伤害。如此的伤害破坏了患者对该医师的信任,并且也导致病患的毁灭”。

Mala Prohibita,法律所禁止的,非法的。

those things which are prohibited by law, and therefore unlawful. A

distinction was formerly made in respect of contracts,between mala prohibita and mala in se; but that distinction has been exploded, and, it is now established that when the provisions of an act of the legislature have for their object the protection of the public,it makes no difference with respect to contracts,whether the thing be prohibited absolutely or under a penalty.

Mala in se 意为"本身错误的",指实质上违反社会伦理道德的违法行为,这种行为因侵害了公共秩序、善良风俗而为一般社会正义所不容。Mala prohibita则是本质上并不违反伦理道德,而是因为维护行政管理秩序的需要而为法律所禁止的行为。在刑事犯罪中,Mala in se寓恶于已,不待法律之特别规定即可认为是犯罪;Mala prohibita则寓恶于禁,必须由法律之专门规定才能成立犯罪。


He notes, however, that allegations found to be unsubstantiated through an investigation were not necessarily false or made mala fide and that allegations were often found to be unsubstantiated because of such factors as the lack of conclusive evidence, the lack of witnesses or the impossibility of positively identifying alleged perpetrators (ibid., para. 14).


In that regard, it is important to note that allegations found to be unsubstantiated through an investigation were not necessarily false or made mala fides.


发布于 2023-02-04 11:11:50