back office, front office以及middle office之含义解析

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back office

查询Investopedia的英文含义:The back office is the portion of a company made up of administration and support personnel who are not client-facing. Back-office functions include settlements, clearances, record maintenance, regulatory compliance, accounting, and IT services.


后勤办公室(Back office),是企业组织实际运作上的办公室地理位置安排。比如战争作战,就可以分为前线和后勤。再比如商业组织的前线是商店、零售、专门店等,而办公室支援部称为后勤。像会计、人事管理、电脑中心、货仓等,这些后勤部门都是顾客无法直接看见的部门。虽然后台办公的操作很少是显著的,但是他们是商务的主要贡献者。从广义上来说,后勤办公室包括影响商务交易声明的左侧(成本)的角色。



It is a back office function –she works in the loans department.



front office

查询Investopedia的英文含义:The front office represents the customer-facing division of a firm. For example, customer service, sales, and industry experts who provide advisory services are considered part of a firm's front office operations.

Front Office 意指为柜台人员,或是客服相关部门在办公室前端的人员。


Jack is applying for front office manager position at Hilton Hotel.



middle office

查询Investopedia的英文含义:The middle office is the department in a financial services company, investment bank, or hedge fund that sits in between the front and back office. It typically manages risk and calculates profits and losses. It is generally in charge of information technology (IT) as well.




On a conceptual level, many firms are divided into three parts: the front office, the middle office, and the back office. While the front office is responsible for performing sales and client service functions, the middle office is responsible for managing risk and corporate strategy, and the back office provides analysis, technical, and administrative support services.


另外拓展一下Front Office vs. Middle Office vs. Back Office三者在投行里各自的分工,因为这个在这个行业里应用的蛮多。


Front Office 就是帮投行赚钱的部门。Front Office 的传统定义:面对客户或者为客户创造产品,和客户进行交易的地方,和客户进行直接的沟通互动——个人或者企业客户。通俗一点说,Front Office 主要负责帮客户在资本市场募集资金以及在公司的并购与收购中给出合理的咨询意见。


每一家投行的 Front Office 组成都不太一样,但一般来说,包括:Investment Banking 以及 Markets。

Investment Banking:Mergers and Acquisition,各类集资(Fund Raising)等

Markets:Sales & Trading、Research等


投行的 Middle Office 是承接 Front Office 和 Back Office的桥梁。Middle Office 的工作为 Front Office 提供了大量支持。


每一家投行的 Middle Office 组成都不太一样,但一般来说,Middle Office 通常包括:Risk Management、Treasury Management、Internal Controls、Compliance、IT。但是,并不是投行所有的 Risk Management、Internal Controls 都是在 Middle Office。


美国人通常将 Back office 解释为:All the functions that are behind the scenes。 Back office 通常包括:Operations、Technology。他们管理 Human Resources、 Banker 的工资发放,还要做技术方面的工作,以确保中央系统的正常运作。除此之外,他们还要进行中央统筹,监管员工的对话,确保他们没有在自己的账号上进行违法交易。

发布于 2023-02-04 18:17:01