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Vagrancy--a general term for a class of minor offenses such as idleness without employment, having no visible means of support,etc. 流浪;流浪罪



Explicit discrimination includes vagrancy laws and policies allowing street children to be detained for survival behaviours; implicit discrimination includes requiring birth certificates to access health care or education.

明显歧视包括允许因生存行为而拘留街头儿童的 关于流浪的法律和政策;隐性歧视包括要求出具出生证明才能获得卫生保健或教育。

A person who commits offences against the family and minors — inducing minors to commit criminal offences, engage in antisocial behaviour, indulge in the systematic use of alcoholic drinks or narcotic substances or engage in prostitution, vagrancy or begging — is also criminally liable.


In the course of our investigations, periodic inspections of detention centres and training days, we have noted bad practice in procedures for detention under the Police and Harmonious Social Relations Act, consisting of mass arrests of citizens on grounds such as failure to show identity documents or alleged vagrancy, neither of which are established as offences in the Criminal Code or the Police and Harmonious Social Relations Act.

这位检察官指出:“在对一些拘留场所和劳教所进行定期查访的过程中,我们发现,在执行《警察和社会治安法》实施逮捕行动的过程中存在一种不良现象,即大肆抓捕未随身携带证件或者涉嫌不务正业的居民,而无论是《刑法》还是《警察和社会治安法》都没有规定不随身携带证件或不务正业属于过失或违法行为,而这种抓捕行动恰恰违反了《共和国宪法》的规定,《宪法》第 98 条规定:不得因为非过失或非犯罪导致的未履行义务行为而抓捕、拘禁或关押任何人,并且还明文规定了几种可以依法限制自由权的情形。 

发布于 2023-02-28 17:38:55