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关于其第一层意思,法律中有这样一个常用的词条,“finder of lost property”,即“遗失财产拾得人”。The finder of lost property is entitled to possession against everyone except the original owner. 遗失财产拾得人与其他财产占有人一样,有权占有该财产并可对抗除财产所有权人以外的任何人。根据英国1968年《盗窃法》(Theft Act),无论是在发现当时或此后,遗失财产拾得人主观上有侵占意图的,则可构成盗窃罪。在个人财产上的拾得物,财产所有人在当时占有该财产,则属于该财产的所有人。在商店里的拾得物,即使拾得人已将其交于店主以进行失物招领,拾得人仍可向店主请求返还。以拍卖方式取得某一衣柜,而该衣柜的隐藏抽屉中放有若干现金,则在法律上,该买受人的地位同于遗失物拾得人。另外,当值警察不得对其拾得物主张所有权。


Finder的第二层意思不太常见,指的是提供商业机会、促成交易的中间人或实体。交易完成后,需要向中间人支付finder’s fee 中间人报酬。A finder's fee (also known as "referral income" or "referral fee") is a commission paid to an intermediary or the facilitator of a transaction. The finder's fee is rewarded because the intermediary discovered the deal and brought it to the attention of interested parties. The presumption is that without the intermediary, the parties never would have found the deal, and the facilitator thus warrants compensation. (Investopedia)从上述英文解释中,我们可以看出中间人报酬支付的前提是,没有中间人,双方无法获悉、达成此项交易。



The court noted that for a finder of lost property to qualify as an "owner" of the property, and so obtain sufficient legal rights in the property that it must take charge of the property. 



No party to this Agreement will pay any type of finder's fee to any other party to this Agreement or to any other individual in connection to this Agreement.



All parties to this Agreement warrant and represent that no investment banker or broker or other intermediary has facilitated the transaction contemplated by this Agreement and is entitled to a finder’s fee or commission in connection with said transaction. All parties to this Agreement indemnify and hold harmless all other parties to this Agreement in connection with any claims for brokerage fees or other commissions that may be made by any party pertaining to this Agreement.


发布于 2020-06-05 09:24:32