法律术语之State Boundary

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State Boundary,边界。确定国家领土范围的界线,是分隔一国领土和他国领土,一国领土和公海或专属经济区,以及一国领空和外层空间的界线。


自然边界(natural boundary)。所谓自然边界是指以自然要素作为划分边界的依据。这是最早的边界形式。一般以独特的地貌特征为根据,如高山、海洋、河流、湖泊、沙漠等。

人为边界(artificial boundary)。与自然边界相对应,人为边界是指以民族、宗教信仰、语言、意识形态、心理习惯等因素作为依据划分的边界。与自然边界不同的是,人为边界可以是有形的,也可以是无形的。

几何国界(Geometric boundary)。是指以经度或纬度等数理位置作为划分国界的根据而划分的国界,不考虑地表上的人文和自然状况,又称数理国界。


The United Nations also assisted the Ministry of Constitutional and Federal Affairs in drafting the bill establishing the Somali Electoral Commission and the State Boundary and Demarcation Commission.


But there seems to be fairly common agreement that, at least, the following treaty obligations remain in force: stipulations in respect of what shall be done in a state of war; treaties of cession, boundary, and the like; provisions giving the right to citizens or subjects of one of the high contracting powers to continue to hold and transmit land in the territory of the other; and, generally, provisions which represent completed acts.

关于该专题的法律仍然在制定中,因此在根据即将形成的通则拟定原则方面,法院必须厉行谨慎,似乎有一种相当普遍的共识,即:至少有以下条约义务一直在生效:关于在战争状态下应如何做的规定;关于割让、边界等等的条约;赋予公民或者某一缔约大国的臣民以权力,继续在别国领土持有并 转移土地的规定;一般而言,代表已完成的行为的规定。

The United Nations also assisted the Ministry of Constitutional and Federal Affairs in drafting the bill establishing the Somali Electoral Commission and the State Boundary and Demarcation Commission.


发布于 2023-04-28 17:33:17