法律术语之Pacta Sunt Servanda

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Pacta Sunt Servanda,条约必须遵守原则,是国际法基本原则,为《维也纳条约法公约》序言及第26条所明确规定。指的是条约缔结后,各方必须按照条约的规定,行使自己的权利履行自己的义务,不得违反。



First, Pacta Sunt Servanda principle is the leading principle of solving territorial disputes; international treaty is the overriding criterion of solving territorial disputes. 


He has written and published extensively on the law of the United Nations Charter; international courts and tribunals; alternatives to treaty making; the assertion of jurisdiction by the Court; the law of the sea; outer space law; the law applicable to Antarctica; the principle of self-determination in international law; international humanitarian law; international law and multiculturalism; solidarity as an emerging principle of international law; humanitarian intervention; the binding nature of the decisions of the Court; the Court’s Rules and Practice Directions; the principle of pacta sunt servanda in the Court’s jurisprudence; and provisional measures in disputes between African States before the Court.


It is in fact the principle pacta sunt servanda itself which would be called into question, in that at any moment a party to a treaty could, by formulating a reservation, call its treaty obligations into question; in addition, this would excessively complicate the task of the depositary.

这实际上是 pact sunt servanda( 条约必须遵守) 的原则本身会出现问题,因为任一缔约方在任何时候都可以通过提具保留的办法对其条约义务提出疑问;此外,这样做会使得保存人的任务过分复杂化。 

发布于 2023-04-28 17:38:18