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Duress一词在法律英语中,指以身体伤害、打击或非法拘禁方式迫使他人为某一行为,此为严格意义上的胁迫。或以杀害、遭受身体伤害或非法拘禁相威胁而迫使他人为某一行为,此为威胁〔menace〕,或恫吓胁迫〔duress per minas〕。并且,胁迫还包括针对其配偶、父母或子女的威胁、打击或拘禁。因此,胁迫可归结为某人用以迫使他人违背其自由意志从而为或不为某行为的任何非法威胁或强制〔threat or coercion〕。

l Duress by public utility:


l Duress of imprisonment:


l Duress per minas

以恫吓相胁迫。也称duress by threat。以死亡的恐惧、身体的伤害,例如残害器官或肢体〔mayhem〕等的痛苦相威胁,强迫他人为或不为某种行为。

l Duress of goods

以剥夺财产相胁迫。也称duress of property。以非法夺取、扣留、控制或损坏他人财产为手段实施的威胁,由此所签之合同可撤销。



Children in detention reported being physically abused, interrogated under extreme duress, subject to ill treatment and subjected to acts tantamount to torture to extract information on insurgents.


To resolve property claims falling under its competence, the Commission was vested with the authority to declare invalid any property transfer which was made under duress, or that was otherwise in connection with ethnic cleansing.21 The Commission for Kosovo observed a similar procedure, described as “inquisitorial in nature” in its end of mandate report (see footnote 25), also based on interviews with claimants and thorough investigations.


The committee is also concerned that victims of torture by law enforcement and prison personnel in some cases are unable to report such violations and that confessions obtained under torture are still taken into consideration during court hearings, notwithstanding the explicit provision on the inadmissibility of confessions obtained under duress under the Criminal Procedure Code.


发布于 2023-06-02 17:12:28