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1. Who



Postal personnel who without permission open or conceal destroy or discard postal materials shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with Paragraph 1 in Article 191 .of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.






Whoever meets the one of the following conditions ...





Whoever colludes with foreign states in plotting to harm the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of the motherland is to be sentenced to life imprisonment or not less than ten years offixed-term imprisonment.



Whoever intentionally sabotages precious cultural relics or places of historic interest or scenic beauty protected by the state is to be sentenced to not more than seven years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention.


Anyone who

Anyone who meets one of the following conditions ...



Anyone who in violation of the provisions of Article 17 of this law purposely exports export commodities which have been found substandard during a random inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


Those who  

Those who meet one of the following conditions ...


知情不报并为走私人提供方便的,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得两倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得,处人民币 5000元以下的罚款

Confiscation of illegal goods incomes shall be imposed on those who do not report the case they know and provide facilities to the smuggler, and a fine below twice the illegal incomes may be imposed at the same time. In case there is no illegal income, a fine below 5000 yuan in RMB shall be imposed.


A/Any person who

A/Any person who meets one of the following conditions ...



A person who causes harm in exercising justifiable defence shall not bear civil liability. If justifiable defence exceeds the limits of necessity and undue harm is caused, an appropriate amount of civil liability shall be borne.


No one who



no one who is found in one of the following cases may be registered


2. Where  

where one of the following conditions is met ...



Where a change in the method of calculation is necessary,the matter shall be reported to the local tax authorities for approval



Where other clients entrust a certified public accountant to provide services, and there is a need to consult the relevant data and documents and carry out investigations, the matter shall be handled according to the agreement contained in the letter of attorney executed in accordance with the law.



3. When




When a registered trademark is to be assigned , the assignor and the assignee shall jointly file an application with the Trademark Office.



When a people's court recieves a bill of complaint or an oral complaint and finds upon examination that it meets the requirements for acceptance as specified in this law, it shall within seven days file a case; if the complaint does not meet the requirements for acceptance as specified.in this law, the court shall within seven days notify the plaintiff that the complaint has been rejected and provide due explanation.



4. If  

if a person meets the one of the following conditions....



If violations of these regulations constitute crimes, the judicial organs shall investigate the criminal responsibilities according to law.



If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization ,during the period prescribed by law , neither brings a suit nor carries out the specific administrative act, the administrative organ may apply to a people's court for compulsory execution , or proceed with compulsory execution according to law.



5. In case 式:



In case that a certified public accountant has been found unqualified for the office, the finance department that originally approved the registration shall cancel the registration, revoke the certified public accountant certificate, and report the case to the Ministry of Finance for the record



In cases where a right of patent application.or a patent right is assigned , the parties must conclude a written contract,which shall come into force after it is registered with and publicly announced by the Patent Office






Whoever 共计7


Whoever knowingly makes a false representation materially affecting the rights obtainable under this chapter for the purpose of obtaining registration of a design under this chapter shall pay a penalty of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000, and any rights or privileges that individual may have in the design under this chapter shall be forfeited. (§1327 · Penalty for false representation)


Anyone who 式共计3


Anyone who, on or before the last day of the applicable transition period under paragraph (2), and without the consent of the rights owner, engages in covered activity with respect to a sound recording fixed before February 15, 1972, shall be subject to the remedies provided in sections 502 through 505 and 1203 to the same extent as an infringer of copyright or a person that engages in unauthorized activity under chapter 12. (§1401 · Unauthorized use of pre-1972 sound recordings)


Those who 共计3


Such further grant or agreement is effective with respect to all of the persons in whom the right it covers has vested under clause (2) of this subsection, including those who did not join in signing it.


Any person who共计37


Any person who warrants, promises, or guarantees that a work does not violate an exclusive right granted in section 106 shall not be liable for legal, equitable, arbitral, or administrative relief if the warranty, promise, or guarantee is breached by virtue of the restoration of copyright under this section, if such warranty, promise, or guarantee is made before January 1, 1995. (§104A Subject Matter and Scope of Copyright)


If 式共计123


If a work in which copyright is restored has no formal title, it shall be described in the notice of intent in detail sufficient to identify it.


Where 式共计9

Where a voluntary license or individual download license applies, the license authority provided under the blanket license shall exclude any musical works (or shares thereof) subject to the voluntary license or individual download license.




1. 林克难、藉明文:“法律文书中字结构翻译探讨”,海科技翻译》2002 年第 3期。

2. circular 9 2 Copyright Law of the United States and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code

3. 李长栓《非文学翻译理论与实践》

4. 张福林《实用法律英汉翻译》

发布于 2023-07-24 17:23:04