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英文中有red tape一词,有异曲同工之妙,可以先来看一下red tape的释义:

Red tape is an idiom referring to regulations or conformity to formal rules or standards which are claimed to be excessive, rigid or redundant, or to bureaucracy claimed to hinder or prevent action or decision-making. It is usually applied to governments, corporations, and other large organizations. Things often described as "red tape" include filling out paperwork, obtaining licenses, having multiple people or committees approve a decision and various low-level rules that make conducting one's affairs slower, more difficult, or both. Red tape has been found to hamper organizational performance and employee wellbeing by meta-analytic studies in 2020. A related concept, administrative burden, refers to the costs citizens may experience in their interaction with government even if bureaucratic regulations or procedures serve legitimate purposes.

参考译文:Red tape 是一个习语,指的是声称过度、僵化或多余的规定或对正式规则或标准的遵守,或者指声称阻碍或阻止行动或决策的官僚主义。 它通常适用于政府、公司和其他大型组织。 通常被描述为“繁文缛节”的事情包括填写文书工作、获得许可证、让多人或委员会批准一项决定以及各种低级规则,这些规则使处理一个人的事务变得更慢、更困难,或两者兼而有之。 2020 年的元分析研究发现,繁文缛节会阻碍组织绩效和员工福祉。一个相关的概念,即行政负担,是指即使官僚法规或程序服务于合法目的,公民在与政府互动时可能经历的成本。


Many forms of non-physical barriers and bureaucratic red tape constrain the intraregional movement of goods, particularly affecting the opportunities for small- and medium-sized enterprises and agricultural producers to directly participate in international trade. 

多种形式的非物质障碍和繁文缛节限 制了 区域内的货物流动, 特别是影响了中小型企业和农业生产者直接参与国际贸易的机会。 

Like other industries, the recycling industry will definitely be stifled in its development if it is subject to too much red tape of the Government.

回收業就好像其他行業一 樣,如果受到太多來自政府的繁 文縟節規 限, 肯定會阻礙行業的發展。

We also assist those states to benefit from trade by cutting red tape, developing efficient quarantine and customs services and eliminating corruption. 

我们也支持发展中国家 简化程序,制定高效的检疫 和海关服务、消除腐败,以 便从贸易中受益。 


此外,red tape 一词又称为“红带”,“红带”一称的起源尚无定论,但传说率先使用红绳代表官方文件者,可能是16世纪初期的西班牙国王查理五世[1],他在国家管理现代化的过程中,用红绳装订该等需要拿到国家议会讨论的重要文档,并以此来区别其他普通行政程序处理的文档,普通文档都是用普通绳子装订。
