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根据《元照英美法词典》,“自担风险”可译为“ Assumption of risk”,在法律实践中,其主要涉及一项重要原则,即“自担风险原则”。以下为该原则相关案例,供参考,以加深对该原则的理解并了解其具体适用:


结合前述案例,我们可了解到:所谓自担风险是指已经知道有风险,而自己自愿去冒风险,那么,当风险出现的时候,就应当自己来承担责任、承担损害的后果的原则。自担风险原则,又称为 [volenti non fit injuria],是指依照法律,当事人不得就自己同意遭受的损害获得补偿,即,如果当事人自愿置身于其觉察和了解的危险中,则不得就为此所受损害获得赔偿。自担风险是一种侵权法上的抗辩,其构成要件为:1. 原告对构成危险情形的事实有了解;2. 原告知道该情形正处于危险中;3. 原告对危险的性质或程度有鉴别;4. 原告自愿置身于危险中。但自担风险原则在原告行为符合救助或人道主义原则时,不得适用。此外,自担风险原则在劳工赔偿及交通事故保险等方面的适用也受有限制。

Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, assumption of risk is an affirmative defense in the law of torts that a defendant can raise in a negligence action. Assumption of risk refers to a legal doctrine under which an individual is barred from recovering damages for an injury sustained when he or she voluntarily exposed him or herself to a known danger. Put another way, assumption of risk prohibits a plaintiff from seeking damages on the basis that plaintiff knew of a hazardous condition and willingly exposed him or herself to it. Essentially, the defendant is claiming that the plaintiff knew the risk but took the chance of being injured anyway. 相关例句如下,可供参考:


Specifically, implied assumption of risk exists when a plaintiff undertakes conduct with a full understanding of the possible harm to him or herself and consents to the risk under those circumstances. Implied assumption of risk cases are more difficult for defendants to prove and generally require examining the facts and circumstances surrounding a particular situation.



There are many distinctions between assumption of risk and victim consent.



In order to use the assumption of risk defense successfully, the defendant must demonstrate the following: 1. The plaintiff had actual knowledge of the risk involved; and 2. The plaintiff voluntarily accepted the risk, either expressly through agreement or implied by their words or conduct.


发布于 2020-06-28 09:52:21