Day 34 copyright在法律英语中的含义及用法

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copyright通常译为“版权”或“著作权”,是知识产权中的重要术语。Copyright Act《版权法》对版权的保护,既包括对已发表作品的版权"(copyright after publication )的保护,也包括对"未发表作品的版权"(copyright before publication) 保护。


You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast or transmit any text, images, graphic, logo, button, icon, image and their selection and/or arrangement, and any underlying source code and software, for any commercial or public purpose without prior written permission from B&W or the copyright holder.

【参考译文】未经 B&W 版权持有者的事先书面许可,您不得复制、再现、重新出版、下载、张贴、播放或传输任何文本、图像、图形、 徽标、按钮、图标和及其选项和/或排列,以及任何底层源代码和软件,以用于任何商业或公共用途。


copyright holder外,copyright还有以下常见搭配:


copyright infringement 版权侵权;侵犯版权的行为

copyright notice 版权声明;版权通知

copyright license 版权特许

copyright misuse 版权滥用

copyright royalty 版税;版权(使用)费


Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to Service Provider's Designated Agent.

【参考译文】根据美国法典标题17512(c)(2)节的规定 ,版权侵权索赔通知书必须发送给服务供应商指定的代理人


The general use of musical works, sound recordings and films, broadcasts and cable programmes without charging admission fees (e.g. in hotel lobbies and shopping arcades) should not be subject to copyright royalty.

【参考译文】若音乐作品、声 录及影片、广播或有线传播节 目在没 取入场 的情况下作一般性质的使用( 如在酒店大 物商场播放 ,则不应征收版权使用费




Any software that is made available to download from this server ("Software") is the copyrighted work of Novell and/or its licensors.

【参考译文】从本服务器上下载的任何软件(下称软件)都是 Novell /或其许可方拥有版权的产品。


Due to copyright laws, any professionally taken photos that are copyrighted cannot be scanned without written permission from the owner.

【参考译文】鉴于版权法,任何受版权保护的专业拍摄照片不可在未经拥有人书面 许可的情况下进行扫描。







发布于 2020-07-03 14:24:43