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1.Administration of estates 遗产管理


In common-law jurisdictions, administration of an estate on death arises if the deceased is legally intestate, meaning they did not leave a will, or some assets are not disposed of by their will. Where a person dies leaving a will appointing an executor, and that executor validly disposes of the property of the deceased within England and Wales, then the estate will go to probate. However, if no will is left, or the will is invalid or incomplete in some way, then administrators must be appointed. They perform a similar role to the executor of a will but, where there are no instructions in a will, the administrators must distribute the estate of the deceased according to the rules laid down by statute and the common trust.


The court shall have jurisdiction in all matters relating to probate and administration of deceaseds' estates, with power to grant probates of wills and letters of administration to the estates of deceased persons and to alter or revoke such grants.


2.Administration action 遗产管理诉讼 

指由债权人、遗嘱执行人〔executor〕、遗产管理人〔administrator〕或与遗产有利益关系的任何人(如继承人、受遗赠人、最近的亲属〔next-of-kin〕等)在高等法院衡平分庭提起的,以保证对死者遗产进行适当管理的诉讼,可以令状〔writ〕或初始传票〔originating summons〕开始。若法院受理后发出一般遗产管理令〔order for the general administration of the estate〕,则遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人〔personal representatives〕未经法庭批准不得行使权力。债权人也不能起诉遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人要求其还债。在以前,所有的案件中都要求提供遗产管理保证书,但1972年以后,法庭可以要求遗产管理人提供保证人,对遗嘱执行人则不要求提供担保。

In this Order “administration action” means an action for the administration under the direction of the Court of the estate of a deceased person or for the execution under the direction of the Court of a trust.


All the executors or administrators of the estate or trustees of the trust, as the case may be, to which an administration action or such an action as is referred to in rule 2 relates must be parties to the action, and where the action is brought by executors, administrators or trustees, any of them who does not consent to being joined as a plaintiff must be made a defendant.


3.Administration bond 遗产管理保证书 



An administration bond is a bond that is posted on behalf of an administrator of an estate to provide assurance that they will conduct their duties according to the provisions of the will and/or the legal requirements of the jurisdiction. The bond covers any financial losses to the estate due to dishonest or improper acts by the administrator.


An administration bond is the financial security that courts require from administrators of an estate before allowing them to distribute the assets of the deceased. This bond guarantees that the assets are distributed fairly to the beneficiaries, creditors, and other parties that are financially linked to the deceased.


发布于 2020-07-08 17:31:14