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1.Averaging 成本平均,盈亏相抵


The activity of investing the same amount of money regularly in different shares, bonds, etc..


Averaging will reduce your exposure to the changing levels of the stock market.


如:成本平均策略(Dollar-Cost Averaging Strategy)

平均成本法(英语:Dollar Cost Averaging,DCA)


Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy in which an investor divides up the total amount to be invested across periodic purchases of a target asset in an effort to reduce the impact of volatility on the overall purchase. The purchases occur regardless of the asset's price and at regular intervals; in effect, this strategy removes much of the detailed work of attempting to time the market in order to make purchases of equities at the best prices. Dollar-cost averaging is also known as the constant dollar plan.


2.Averaging down 降低平均价;价格下跌时的盈亏相抵


To purchase shares of the same security at successively lower prices in order to reduce the average price of one's position. Averaging down is an investing strategy in which a stock owner purchases additional shares of a previously initiated investment after the price has dropped further. The result of this second purchase is a decrease in the average price at which the investor purchased the stock.


Although averaging down offers some aspects of a strategy, it is incomplete. Averaging down is really an action that comes more from a state of mind than from a sound investment strategy. Averaging down allows an investor to cope with various cognitive or emotional biases. It acts more as a security blanket than a rational policy.


3.Averaging up 提高平均价;价格上涨时的盈亏相抵


To purchase shares of the same security at successively higher prices in order to achieve a larger position at an average price that is lower than the current market value. It refers to the process of buying additional shares of a stock you already own, but at a higher price. This raises the average price that the investor pays for all the shares. In the context of short selling, averaging up is achieved by selling additional shares at a price higher than that of the first transaction. A popular trend-following strategy will average up on a position as the price increases. The idea is to lean into your winners.


Even if averaging up, you can still take profits as the stock rises by selling small percentages of a position to lock in some gains. That can help to reduce your losses if there’s a sudden reversal in the stock price.


发布于 2020-07-20 10:52:32