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export restraints出口控制

moral/social/cultural restraints道德/社会/文化制约因素



import/speed/travel restrictions 进口、速度、旅行限制

impose/place a restriction on 实行限制

lift restrictions on 撤销限制

restrictions of a prison 监狱的种种约束


constraints of time/money/space 时间╱资金╱空间的限制

financial/economic/legal/political constraints 财政╱经济╱法律╱政治约束


①Significant numbers of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be prevented by addressing the leading causes, which include excess speed, lack of seat-belt and child restraint use, drinking and driving, lack of helmet use by riders on two-wheel and three-wheel motorized vehicles, poorly designed and inadequately maintained roads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, and inadequate trauma care.


②The Delegation, pointing out that this point was also emphasized in the Guidelines for the Validation of Food Safety Control Measures adopted at the current session, which provided that control measures required validation on a case-by-case basis, proposed that the restriction be lifted, but that the use of the LPS be conditional on infrastructure and validation and be based on mutual agreements between countries depending on patterns of trade, and in line with this observation, further proposed to amend footnote 9 in Appendix A: Microbiostatic Control Measures - Code of Practice for Milk and Milk Products by the addition of the following: "Any trade in milk treated by the lactoperoxidase system should only be on the basis of mutual agreement between countries concerned, and without prejudice to trade with other countries.


③A second constraint is the weak regulatory framework, which leads to a range of problems: irresponsible behaviour by employers; lack of enforcement of core labour standards — thus undermining the ability of the trade union movement to act on these issues; the lack of ratification and implementation of basic standards such as ILO Convention No. 155 on Occupational Safety and Health; and weak labour inspectorates.


发布于 2023-10-31 15:44:25