Day 52 enact在法律英语中的含义及用法

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enact n.




The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ban the promotion of tobacco products and enact legislation to ensure that all enclosed public environments are completely free of tobacco.



According to a rule of both customary and conventional international law, a party may not invoke the provisions of its own domestic law as justification for not applying a provision of international law; this rule entails a general obligation not only to align domestic law with the provisions of the international instrument concerned, but also not to enact legislation which is incompatible with that instrument.




The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting.



enacting clause (在法律的开头)说明法律的制定机构的条款  其格式为“兹由... 制定如下条款”[ Be it enacted by ... as follows,或... do enact]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) Veterans Regulation Numbered 7 (a) is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following:



enact的名词形式:enactment 表示(法律的)制定

The revision of laws discriminatory to women and enactment of women-friendly laws as well as ensuring and that women had access to decent jobs and social protection were cited as priority areas and challenges.







发布于 2020-07-22 14:47:06