热词 | 黎巴嫩首都突发剧烈爆炸

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BEIRUT (Reuters) - A powerful blast in port warehouses near central Beirut storing highly explosive material killed 78 people, injured nearly 4,000 and sent seismic shockwaves that shattered windows, smashed masonry and shook the ground across the Lebanese capital.

路透贝鲁特8月4日 - 黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特市中心附近的一座港口仓库周二发生剧烈爆炸,导致78人丧生,近4000人受伤,爆炸冲击波击碎建筑物窗户,推倒砖墙,令贝鲁特全城地面震动。


Officials said they expected the death toll to rise further after Tuesday’s blast as emergency workers dug through rubble to rescue people and remove the dead. It was the most powerful explosion in years in Beirut, which is already reeling from an economic crisis and a surge in coronavirus infections.


President Michel Aoun said that 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, used in fertilisers and bombs, had been stored for six years at the port without safety measures, and said it was “unacceptable”.

 黎巴嫩总统奥恩(Michel Aoun)称,2750吨用于制造肥料和炸弹的硝酸铵在没有安全措施的情况下已在港口储存了6年,并表示这是“不可接受的”。


He called for an emergency cabinet meeting on Wednesday and said a two-week state of emergency should be declared.



“What we are witnessing is a huge catastrophe,” the head of Lebanon’s Red Cross George Kettani told broadcaster Mayadeen. “There are victims and casualties everywhere.”

“我们目睹了一场巨大的灾难,”黎巴嫩红十字会会长George Kettani表示。“到处都是伤者和死者遗体。”

Hours after the blast, which struck shortly after 6 p.m. (1500 GMT), a fire still blazed in the port district, casting an orange glow across the night sky as helicopters hovered and ambulance sirens sounded across the capital.


A security source said victims were taken for treatment outside the city because Beirut hospitals were overwhelmed with wounded. Ambulances from the north and south of the country and the Bekaa valley to the east were called in to help.

一位消息人士称,由于贝鲁特的医院伤满为患,受害者被送往城外接受治疗。 来自该国北部、南部以及东部Bekaa山谷的救护车应召而来参与救援。


The huge blast revived memories of the 1975-90 civil war and its aftermath, when Lebanese endured heavy shelling, car bombings and Israeli air raids. Some residents thought an earthquake had struck. Dazed, weeping and injured people walked through streets searching for relatives.



One medic said 200 to 300 people had been admitted to a single emergency department. “I’ve never seen this. It was horrible,” the medic, who gave her name as Rouba, told Reuters.

一位医务人员告诉路透社记者,一个急诊科就收治了200至300人。“我从未见过这种情况。 这太可怕了。”


“The blast blew me off metres away. I was in a daze and was all covered in blood. It brought back the vision of another explosion I witnessed against the U.S. embassy in 1983,” said Huda Baroudi, a Beirut designer.

爆炸将我炸出几米远。我都惊呆了,浑身都是血。这使我回想起了1983年我亲眼所见的美国大使馆发生的另一场爆炸。”一位贝鲁特的设计师Huda Baroudi说。


Prime Minister Hassan Diab told the nation there would be accountability for the deadly blast at the “dangerous warehouse”, adding “those responsible will pay the price.”

 黎巴嫩总理迪亚卜(Hassan Diab)表示可能是一“危险的仓库”导致的爆炸,并补充道“此次爆炸事故的责任人必将付出代价”。


The U.S. embassy in Beirut warned residents in the city about reports of toxic gases released by the blast, urging people to stay indoors and wear masks if available.



Israeli officials said Israel, which has fought several wars with Lebanon, had nothing to do with Tuesday’s blast and said their country was ready to give humanitarian and medical assistance. Shi’ite Iran, the main backer of Hezbollah, also offered support, as did Tehran’s regional rival Saudi Arabia, a leading Sunni power.



Qatar and Iraq said they were sending makeshift hospitals to assist the high numbers of casualties.



The United States, Britain, France and Germany expressed shock and sympathy and said they were read to help.








Lebanon 黎巴嫩


Beirut, Lebanese capital 黎巴嫩首都 贝鲁特(即此次爆炸发生地)


rip through 裂开,破开,突进,横撞直闯,迅速或猛烈地移动(路透社新闻标题用了这一短语,Massive blast rips through Beirut,表达爆炸的突如其来及来势迅猛)


seismic shockwaves  爆炸冲击波


shattered windows  击碎窗户


smashed masonry  推倒砖墙


witness 见证


a huge catastrophe 巨大的灾难


be accountability for 被问责,追究责任


be admitted to 被收治


pay the price 付出代价


state of emergency 紧急状态


heavy shelling严重的炮击


car bombings 汽车炸弹袭击


Israeli air raids 以色列的空袭


be called in to help 应召而来参与救援


Red Cross 红十字会


blow off 吹走,吹出,喷射,震飞……(文中的The blast blew me off metres away 即表示“我”被爆炸炸飞几米远)


overwhelmed  应接不暇、不堪重负、压倒、淹没


be overwhelmed with wounded 伤满为患


Tehran 德黑兰(伊朗首都)






Sunni 逊尼派(伊斯兰教两大派别之一)


toxic gases released by the blast 爆炸释放的有毒气体


makeshift 临时的,权宜之计的(文中的makeshift hospitals就译为 临时医院)


have nothing to do with ... 与……无关


the high numbers of casualties 大量人员伤亡





be called in to help 应召而来参与救援(国内其他地区的救护车)

be ready to give humanitarian and medical assistance 并提供了人道主义及医疗援助(以色列)

offered support 提供了援助(伊朗和沙特阿拉伯)

be sending makeshift hospitals to assist the high numbers of casualties 正在派遣临时医院来协助大量人员伤亡(卡塔尔和伊拉克)

expressed shock and sympathy and said they were read to help 表示震惊和同情,并表示将为黎巴嫩提供帮助(美英法德)


综上,这些表述中用到了help,assist, give ssistance,offer support来表示提供帮助。





发布于 2020-08-05 11:06:36