Day 70 instrument在法律英语中的含义及用法

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instrument n.



instrument常译为“票据”,尤见于 negotiable instrument这一短语之中,表示“可流通票据”。有时也译为“文契”,指用以记载某项行为的书面文件。


 Amendments to this Contract may be made only by a written instrument signed by a duly authorized representative of each of the Parties and, unless prior approval from the Examination and Approval Authority/the appropriate government department is statutorily required» such

amendments shall become effective upon the signing by the duly authorized representatives of both Parties.



The main points of discussion during the review of the Convention were the following: the form of the instrument which would incorporate the new provisions; the definition of the notion of “military necessity” with regard to cultural property under general as well as special protection; improvements in the regime of special protection; sanctions for grave breaches and other violations against cultural property and other related issues such as individual criminal responsibility, responsibility of States and mutual assistance in criminal matters; improvement in the protection of cultural property in conflicts not of an international character; and establishment of a supervisory body which would monitor the implementation of the Convention and the new agreement.

【参考译文】公约审查期间进行的讨论要点如下:将纳入新条款的文书形式;对受一般保护和特别保护的文化财产而言军事需要概念的定义;改进特别保护制度;对严重违法行为和破坏文化财产行为的制裁以及其他相关问题,如个人的刑事责任、国家责任和刑事事项中的互助;改进非国际性冲突中对文化财产的保护;以及建立监测《公约》及新协定执行情况的监 督机构。


“Financial lease right” means a lessor’s right in tangible asset (other than a negotiable instrument or negotiable document) that is the object of a lease agreement under which, at the end of the lease: (a) the lessee automatically becomes the owner of the asset that is the object of the lease; (b) the lessee acquire ownership of the asset by paying no more than a nominal price; or (c) the asset has no more than residual value.

【参考译文】融资租赁权系指出租人对租赁协议标的物有形资产( 非流通票据或流通单证 )享有的权利,根据租赁协议,在租赁期结束时:(a) 承租人自动成为租赁标的物资产的所有人;(b)承租人最多只需支付象征性价款即可取得该资产的所有权;或(c)该资产值最多不超过残余价值










发布于 2020-08-09 19:36:35