Day 77 lawful在法律英语中的含义及用法

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lawful a. 合法的;依法的;法定的

lawful —词为形容词,意为“合法的“、“依法的”、“法定 的”。该词语比较常见,可以和其他词语组成词组。如:lawful interest是指"合法利息",lawful holder是指“合法持票人”或“合法持有人”,lawful heirs指的是“合法继承人”。

例 Party shall contribute the RMB equivalent of two million (2,000,000) US Dollars in cash to the JV Company, accounting for 20% of the registered capital of the JV Company, provided, however, that Party B will provide evidence proving the lawful source of its RMB contribution.

【参考译文】乙方向合营公司出资相当于二百万美元的人民币现金,占合营公司注册资本的 20%,但乙方必须提供其人民币合法来源的证明。

例 Insofar as a countermeasure is taken in accordance with the substantive and procedural conditions set forth in those articles, the countermeasure is lawful and represents a circumstance that precludes wrongfulness of an act that, but for the fact that it is a countermeasure, would have been wrongful.


lawful的反义词是 unlawful。 在使用中,需要比较的两个词语是lawful和legal,这 两个词语都表示“合法”的意思,但略有区别,主要区别在于:lawful 和 legal的主要区别在于:



例 The continuing Directors at any time may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body; provided always that in case the Directors shall at any time be reduced in number to less than two it shall be lawful for the continuing Directors to act for the purpose of appointing another or other Directors under the provisions of these Articles but not for other purposes.


例 The Licensor shall conduct all legal proceedings in respect of any infringement or alleged infringement of the Licensed Trademarks and any claim or counterclaim brought or threatened to be brought in connection with the use or registration of the Licensed Trademarks and shall in its absolute discretion decide what to do.






发布于 2020-08-17 11:12:50