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LBO 杠杆收购,融资并购

杠杆收购(英语:Leveraged Buyout,又作LBO)是一种收购的方式,其本质即是举债收购,指收购者仅有少许资金,借由举债借入资金来收购其他资本较大的公司,有如运用杠杆原理以较小的力量抬起重物一般。融资收购通常以将收购的公司或未来的现金流做担保,有时获利不如预期,因此风险极大。


杠杆收购的主体一般是专业的金融投资公司,投资公司收购目标企业的目的是以合适的价钱买下公司,通过经营使公司增值,并通过财务杠杆增加投资收益。通常投资公司只出小部分的钱,资金大部分来自银行抵押借款、机构借款和发行垃圾债券(高利率高风险债券),由被收购公司的资产和未来现金流量及收益作担保并用来还本付息。如果收购成功并取得预期效益,贷款者不能分享公司资产升值所带来的收益(除非有债转股协议)。在操作过程中可能要先安排过桥贷款(bridge loan)作为短期融资,然后通过举债完成收购。杠杆收购在国外往往是由被收购企业发行大量的垃圾债券,成立一个股权高度集中、财务结构高杠杆性的新公司。在中国由于垃圾债券尚未兴起,收购者大都是用被收购公司的股权作质押向银行借贷来完成收购的。

A leveraged buyout (LBO) is one company’s acquisition of another company using a significant amount of borrowed money to meet the cost of acquisition. The assets of the company being acquired are often used as collateral for the loans, along with the assets of the acquiring company. The use of debt, which normally has a lower cost of capital than equity, serves to reduce the overall cost of financing the acquisition. The cost of debt is lower because interest payments often reduce corporate income tax liability, whereas dividend payments normally do not. This reduced cost of financing allows greater gains to accrue to the equity, and, as a result, the debt serves as a lever to increase the returns to the equity.

The term LBO is usually employed when a financial sponsor acquires a company. However, many corporate transactions are partially funded by bank debt, thus effectively also representing an LBO. LBOs can have many different forms such as management buyout (MBO), management buy-in (MBI), secondary buyout and tertiary buyout, among others, and can occur in growth situations, restructuring situations, and insolvencies. LBOs mostly occur in private companies, but can also be employed with public companies (in a so-called PtP transaction – Public to Private).

As financial sponsors increase their returns by employing a very high leverage (i.e., a high ratio of debt to equity), they have an incentive to employ as much debt as possible to finance an acquisition. This has, in many cases, led to situations in which companies were “over-leveraged”, meaning that they did not generate sufficient cash flows to service their debt, which in turn led to insolvency or to debt-to-equity swaps in which the equity owners lose control over the business to the lenders. 相关例句如下,可供参考:


LBOs have become attractive as they usually represent a win-win situation for the financial sponsor and the banks: the financial sponsor can increase the rate of returns on its equity by employing the leverage; banks can make substantially higher margins when supporting the financing of LBOs as compared to usual corporate lending, because the interest chargeable is that much higher. Banks can increase their likelihood of being repaid by obtaining collateral or security.



In corporate finance, a leveraged buyout (LBO) is a transaction where a company is acquired using debt as the main source of consideration. These transactions typically occur when a private equity (PE) firm borrows as much as they can from a variety of lenders (up to 70 or 80 percent of the purchase price) and funds the balance with their own equity.



LBOs are conducted for three main reasons. The first is to take a public company private; the second is to spin-off a portion of an existing business by selling it; and the third is to transfer private property, as is the case with a change in small business ownership. However, it is usually a requirement that the acquired company or entity, in each scenario, is profitable and growing.








发布于 2020-08-19 11:51:47