Day 84 ordinary在法律英语中的含义及用法

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ordinary a. 普通的,一般的,平常的,常任的,有审判职务权的,编制内的,直隶(属)的


ordinary译为“一般的;普通的...”等,在法律英语中没什么特殊含义,作为译者需要重点把握一些关键术语,如ordinary care(—般注意,普通注意)ordinary life insurance(普通人寿保险,普通终身保险)以及Lord Ordinary(苏格兰最高法院的独任法官)。



ordinary care 普通注意;一般注意

ordinary negligence 普通过失;一般过失

ordinary diligence 普通注意;普通谨慎

ordinary insurance 普通寿险

ordinary dividend 普通股利

ordinary shares 普通股

ordinary income 经营收入;一般收入

ordinary shareholder 普通股东

ordinary senator 常任参议员

ordinary session 例会


It may be proper to state that what constitutes ordinary care will vary with the circumstances of cases.



For the purpose of this Agreement, "control" shall mean either the ownership of fifty per cent (50%) or more of the ordinary share capital of the company carrying the right to vote at general meetings or the power to nominate a majority of the board of directors of the Company.

【参考译文】在本协议中,控制系指拥有在股东大会上有投票权的百分之五十(50%)或 50%以上的公司普通股股本,或拥有任命公司董事会中多数董事的权力。


Debenture holder has priority over ordinary shareholder.



To help pay for various other tax breaks in the bill, the carried interestof investment managers would be taxed at ordinary income rates instead of lower capital-gains rates.



It falls into an independent type of fault between intention and ordinary negligence and is much closer to intention.











发布于 2020-09-03 15:09:04