Day 105  void在法律英语中的含义及用法

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void   a. 无效的  

          v. 使无效


void在法律英语中常作形容词表示“无效的”,即对于合同、契据、交易及其他行为,如果其没有法律效力,或者不具有当事人所意图产生的法律效力,则是无效的。掌握该词的关键是了解其常见搭配:void contract  无效合同;void judgment  无效判决


void contract  无效合同


“无效合同”在含义上有自相矛盾之处,因为“合同”这个术语本身就仅 指有效的合同。但在现实生活中,该术语却因其便利而被广泛采用。实质上,无效合同根本不是合同,它未必非法,却必然不具有法律效力。在英美法上,典型的无效合同包括无对价、无承诺的合同、具有赌博性质的合同和有损家庭关系的 合同。)


void judgment  无效判决


(如果任何人的权利受到该判决 的影响,该人可以在任何时间、任何地点直接地或者间接地 宣布该判决无效。法院对标的或当事人无管辖权或者违反 法律规定的正当程序等情况下所作出的判决都属于无效判决。)


Party B may, without the consent of Party A, assign in whole , but not in part, its rights hereunder to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity of Party B or its ultimate parent company (provided that any such assignment to any such subsidiary shall not be deemed as a release of Party Bs obligations hereunder unless Party A shall have given prior written consent

to any such release and Party B shall remain liable to Party A in respect of any breach of this Clause). Any attempted assignment in contravention of this Clause shall be void.



If any portion, term or provision of this Agreement shall be held illegal, void or ineffective under, or in conflict with, any applicable law, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby, and a substitute provision will be negotiated to preserve as near as possible the original intent of the Agreement.







发布于 2020-11-05 16:55:27