contributory negligence与comparative negligence的译法及具体含义

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1.Contributory negligence 混合过错;混合过失;与有过失;促成的过失;可归责于己的过失

它是指原告本身的疏忽,并且在其诉称的由于被告过错而导致的损害中,原告的过失亦构成致损原因的一部或全部。在英国普通法上,只要有证据证明原告本身由于某种过失直接并且严重地造成了其所受的损害,被告的责任即可全部免除,故其成为损害赔偿之诉中被告的完全抗辩〔complete defence〕。在因事故而致的诉讼中,若原告的过失是构成事故发生的真实、有效原因——通常是在原告有避免事故发生的最后机会的情况下——那么,无论被告的行为如何具有过错,原告亦无法胜诉。但是,自英国1945年《法律改革法(混合过失)》〔Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 〕颁布以来,它不再是一个完全抗辩,如果原告只有部分过失,则不再驳回其全部诉讼请求,而是由法院或陪审团按照各当事人对损害造成的过错程度,相应地承担损害赔偿责任,亦即相应地减轻被告的赔偿责任。另外,未成年人——尤年龄过小者——的过失行为不构成混合过失;雇员的过失行为不一定构成混合过失;紧急避险行为也不一定构成混合过失。根据美国的相关判例,它是指原告自身的作为或不作为所构成一般注意的缺乏,它与被告的过失同时发生,从而成为造成原告损害的主要原因。原告对之承担责任,是因为其违反了法律所设定的保护自身免受伤害的义务。被告可以以之作为抗辩,根据美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Fed.R.Civil P.〕,它属于确定性抗辩,但须由被告提出并举证。但在许多州,这种抗辩已被比较过失〔comparative negligence〕原则所取代。另外,根据美国《统一商法典》〔UCC〕第3-406条,由于当事人自身过失而导致票据发生重大涂改的,亦可适用这一原则。

Contributory negligence is the plaintiff’s failure to exercise reasonable care for their safety. A plaintiff is the party who brings a case against another party (the defendant). Contributory negligence can bar recovery or reduce the amount of compensation a plaintiff receives if their actions increased the likelihood that an incident occurred. Often, defendants use contributory negligence as a defense. Contributory negligence is the plaintiff's failure to exercise reasonable care for their safety. Contributory negligence could reduce the plaintiff's compensation if their actions increased the likelihood of the incident occurring. Courts must decide how much damage was caused by the policyholder’s behavior, and payment could be reduced or denied.以下为相关例句,可供参考:


As an example, a claim for property lost to fire after the insured was informed of faulty wiring but chose not to repair it may be considered negligent. Courts must decide how much damage was caused by the policyholder’s behavior–which is the essence of contributory negligence–and payment could be reduced or denied.



Some states allow contributory negligence if it’s a substantial factor in producing the plaintiff’s injury. State law determines how contributory negligence impacts a victim’s ability to receive compensation after an accident or loss. Some states allow the reduction of benefit if the victim is partially responsible, while others deny payment if the victim has any fault in an accident.



Contributory negligence occurs where the plaintiff can be held partly to blame for the loss sustained as a result of a failure to take reasonable care against a foreseeable risk of injury.


2.Comparative negligence 比较过失

该术语是指在损害赔偿之诉中,将原告的过失与被告的过失进行比较,以减少被告应承担的赔偿份额。它最早用于海事案件中,现美国许多州已用比较过失原则取代共同过失或混合过失原则〔contributory negligence〕。一般而言,被告的过错程度越高,原告为获得赔偿所需的注意程度越低,但无论原告的过错如何,都不能完全免除被告的责任。

Comparative negligence is a principle of tort law that applies to casualty insurance in certain states. Comparative negligence states that when an accident occurs, the fault and/or negligence of each party involved is based upon their respective contributions to the accident. This allows insurers to assign blame and pay insurance claims accordingly. Comparative negligence is used to assign blame in auto accidents by determining or apportioning fault between the plaintiff and defendant in an accident. Damages for accidents are awarded proportionally based on degrees of determined negligence. There are three types of comparative negligence rules—pure comparative negligence, modified comparative negligence, slight/gross negligence—followed by states in the U.S.


If two parties are involved in a car accident, the insurers use comparative negligence to assign fault. Determining fault in an accident is a critical aspect of insurance. Insurance companies litigate to ensure that they are only liable for damages caused by their insured client. In addition, defense lawyers will attempt to limit responsibility to the smallest extent possible.



Comparative negligence is a kind of negligent tort. The term negligent tort encompasses harm done to people generally through the failure of another to exercise a certain level of care, sometimes defined as a reasonable standard of care. Accidents are a standard example of negligent torts.



Comparative negligence is most commonly used to assign blame in auto accidents. If two drivers both break the same traffic laws in an accident, then both may be denied their claims. Many insurance carriers assign blame between drivers on a percentage basis, such as 70/30.


发布于 2020-12-02 18:22:24