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点心债券(Dim Sum Bond)

“Dim sum bond” is a slang term for bonds denominated in Chinese renminbi and issued in Hong Kong. Dim sum bonds are attractive to foreign investors who desire exposure to renminbi-denominated assets, but are restricted by China's capital controls from investing in domestic Chinese debt. The term is derived from dim sum, a popular style of cuisine in Hong Kong which involves serving a variety of small delicacies.

Multinational companies, even those without a presence in China, can issue dim sum bonds to professional investors without seeking approval from either PRC or Hong Kong authorities. After issuing such bonds, multinational issuers may use their proceeds freely in Hong Kong without PRC regulatory approval. The proceeds may also be used to settle cross-border trades.



寿司债券(Sushi Bond)

The colloquial term sushi bond is used to describe a bond issued by a Japanese company in a market outside of Japan and denominated in a currency other than the yen. The most common issuing currency is the U.S. dollar. Sushi bonds bear a fixed rate of interest, can be short-term or long-term, and are most desirable when the yen is weak. The sushi bond is a type of Eurobond or international bond and most of the buyers and sellers are Japanese.



1. Investopedia

2. Wikipedia

3. 百度百科

发布于 2021-04-01 10:40:07